Statutul societății Europene
Articolul precedent
Articolul urmator
727 4
Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2021-01-14 12:12
Căutarea după subiecte
similare conform CZU
347.725:334.722.8(4) (1)
Commercial law. Company law (1306)
Forms of organization and cooperation in the economy (997)
SM ISO690:2012
DANDARA, Liliana, REVENCO, Valentina. Statutul societății Europene. In: Dezvoltarea relaţiilor comerciale din perspectiva integrării economice a Republicii Moldova în circuitul economic internaţional, 21-22 septembrie 2017, Chișinău. Chișinău, Republica Moldova: Complexul Editorial INCE, 2017, Vol.1, pp. 105-108. ISBN 978-9975-3171-5-3.
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Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Dezvoltarea relaţiilor comerciale din perspectiva integrării economice a Republicii Moldova în circuitul economic internaţional
Vol.1, 2017
Conferința "Dezvoltarea relaţiilor comerciale din perspectiva integrării economice a Republicii Moldova în circuitul economic internaţional"
Chișinău, Moldova, 21-22 septembrie 2017

Statutul societății Europene

CZU: 347.725:334.722.8(4)

Pag. 105-108

Dandara Liliana1, Revenco Valentina2
1 Universitatea Cooperatist-Comercială din Moldova,
2 Academia de Studii Economice din Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 23 ianuarie 2018


European Society (Latin Societas Europaea (SE)) is a Capital Trading Company in the European Union, established at the 2004, with extensive regulation and implementation at European level. The European Society (SE) was defined as being an associative form, such as the Joint Stock Company, the purpose of conducting a commercial activity involving companies governed by the national laws of member states.  European society was regulated by a French model [1] aims to achieve a single market. The European company is established within the European Union, has its registered office in a Member State or in the State in which its head office is located.  

statute, European Society, capital, headquarters, formation, shareholders, patrimony of society

DataCite XML Export

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<creatorName>Revenco, V.</creatorName>
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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p><em>European Society (Latin Societas Europaea (SE)) is a Capital Trading Company in the European Union, established at the 2004, with extensive regulation and implementation at European level. The European Society (SE) was defined as being an associative form, such as the Joint Stock Company, the purpose of conducting a commercial activity involving companies governed by the national laws of member states. </em>&nbsp;<em>European society was regulated by a French model [1] aims to achieve a single market. The European company is established within the European Union, has its registered office in a Member State or in the State in which its head office is located. </em>&nbsp;</p></description>