Personajul ca ființă dialogală în romanul „Zbor frânt” de Vladimir Beșleagă
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821.135.1(478).09 (354)
Literature of Balkan Romance / Romanic languages (2138)
SM ISO690:2012
GHERMAN, Oxana. Personajul ca ființă dialogală în romanul „Zbor frânt” de Vladimir Beșleagă. In: Revistă de știinţe socioumane , 2015, nr. 1(29), pp. 70-78. ISSN 1857-0119.
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Dublin Core
Revistă de știinţe socioumane
Numărul 1(29) / 2015 / ISSN 1857-0119 /ISSNe 2587-330X

Personajul ca ființă dialogală în romanul „Zbor frânt” de Vladimir Beșleagă
CZU: 821.135.1(478).09

Pag. 70-78

Gherman Oxana
Institutul de Filologie al AŞM
Disponibil în IBN: 16 iulie 2015


This article develops a dialogical model of analysis and interpretation of the characters from Vladimir Besleaga’s novel Interrupted flight. The study relies on observing the direct and indirect dialogical interaction of the textual voices. The established relations between the protagonist and other characters reveal his human essence. His existance is determined by the connections with the others, by the collision of conceptions, ideologies, points of view in which he is engaged. Around the protagonist are concerned the whole system of textual and extratextual voices and the novel’s authentic significations’ spectrum.

dialogic relation, voice, poliphony,

bivocal word, point of view, contradiction.