Strategii de evaluare a competenţelor specifice ale elevilor
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172 3
Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2024-04-21 12:26
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similare conform CZU
37.015.3+37.02 (13)
Fundamentals of education. Theory. Policy etc. (4076)
General questions of didactics and method (1255)
SM ISO690:2012
FLOREA, Margareta. Strategii de evaluare a competenţelor specifice ale elevilor. In: Oportunităţi de dezvoltare şi optimizare curriculară pe aria limbă şi comunicare în gimnaziu şi liceu, 27 mai 2017, Chişinău. Chişinău: CEP UPS „I.Creangă”, 2017, pp. 182-187. ISBN 978-9975-46-323-2.
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Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Oportunităţi de dezvoltare şi optimizare curriculară pe aria limbă şi comunicare în gimnaziu şi liceu 2017
Conferința "Oportunităţi de dezvoltare şi optimizare curriculară pe aria limbă şi comunicare în gimnaziu şi liceu"
Chişinău, Moldova, 27 mai 2017

Strategii de evaluare a competenţelor specifice ale elevilor

CZU: 37.015.3+37.02

Pag. 182-187

Florea Margareta
Liceul Teoretic „M. Sadoveanu“, or. Călăraşi
Disponibil în IBN: 23 octombrie 2023


Assessment is an important component of the educational process. Done correctly, in an objective and varied manner and at the right time, it ensures both learning motivation and a truthful reflection of the instructional process. An inventive Romanian language and literature teacher may use the existing sources creatively, formulating interesting and formative teaching tasks. Thus the thinking and imagination of students shall be stimulated, creating new teaching situations, so that the students, being placed in a position to handle all learning and assessment opportunities, are getting ready for social integration. In this article we will demonstrate a few tasks for formative/summative/mutual assessment strategies/self assessment, which are derived from the most frequently repeated specific competences, as indicated by regulating documents.

formative assessment, summative assessment, Strategies, teaching tasks, teaching sources,

evaluare formativă, evaluare sumativă, strategii, sarcini didactice, surse didactice