Statutul elementelor savante greco-latine în sistemul morfe-matic al limbii
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Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2023-06-07 16:57
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81'366+81'373.43 (1)
Linguistics and languages (5177)
SM ISO690:2012
MINCU, Eugenia. Statutul elementelor savante greco-latine în sistemul morfe-matic al limbii. In: Caietele Sextil Pușcariu, 12-13 septembrie 2019, Cluj-Napoca. Cluj-Napoca, România: Institutul de Lingvistică și Istorie Literară „Sextil Pușcariu”, 2019, Ediția a 4-a, pp. 200-208 . ISSN ISSN 2393 ‒ 526X ISSN‒L 2393 ‒ 526X.
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Dublin Core
Caietele Sextil Pușcariu
Ediția a 4-a, 2019
Conferința "Zilele Sextil Pușcariu"
Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 12-13 septembrie 2019

Statutul elementelor savante greco-latine în sistemul morfe-matic al limbii

The status of the scientific Greco-Latin elements in the mor-phemic system of the language

CZU: 81'366+81'373.43

Pag. 200-208

Mincu Eugenia
Institutul de Filologie Română „Bogdan Petriceicu-Hasdeu”
Disponibil în IBN: 9 martie 2022


The problem of delimiting the intermediate status of the scientific Greek-Latin elements has been discussed by derivatologists for a long time. In linguistics, this problem has engendered a num-ber of controversies: some scholars consider the scientific Greek-Latin elements as affixes and thus as derivatives; others – as constituent parts of the compound words; the third category of researchers recognizes their intermediate character. The affixoids result from a successful combination of nomi-nal and structural (linguistic) characteristics. The affixoidation, a sub-process of compounding, is based, in general, on the revitalized Latin-Greek model of compounding.

elemente savante greco-latine, afixoid, afixoidare.,

scientific Greek-Latin elements, affixoid, affixoidation