Роль медийных программ в плане воспитания сегодняшнего ученика в качестве будущего родителя
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274 1
Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2022-03-16 19:39
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similare conform CZU
37.018.11 (1)
Fundamentals of education. Theory. Policy etc. (4090)
SM ISO690:2012
ОВЧЕРЕНКО, Надежда. Роль медийных программ в плане воспитания сегодняшнего ученика в качестве будущего родителя. In: Cercetarea în ştiinţe ale educaţiei şi în psihologie: provocări, perspective”, conferinţă ştiinţifică naţională, 16 septembrie 2021, Chişinău. Chişinău: "Print-Caro" SRL, 2021, pp. 215-221. ISBN 978-9975-56-934-7.
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Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Cercetarea în ştiinţe ale educaţiei şi în psihologie: provocări, perspective”, conferinţă ştiinţifică naţională 2021
Conferința "Cercetarea în ştiinţe ale educaţiei şi în psihologie: provocări, perspective”, conferinţă ştiinţifică naţională"
Chişinău, Moldova, 16 septembrie 2021

Роль медийных программ в плане воспитания сегодняшнего ученика в качестве будущего родителя

CZU: 37.018.11

Pag. 215-221

Овчеренко Надежда
Тираспольский государственный университет
Disponibil în IBN: 10 februarie 2022


The article is intended to reflect the relationship between the family and school education of today’s pupil as a future parent, as well as media education. The roles and functions entrusted to the family and school in terms of preparing young people for responsible parenting predetermined these priorities. To a large extent, under the influence of new media technologies, which not only expand opportunities, but also cause a number of problems and threats? Thus, the school and the family are called upon to solve the task of forming a responsible attitude to parenthood among young people, taking into account the influence of the mass media. We tried to show how it is possible to use the potential of media programs in terms of preparing young people for conscious parenthood by offering to classify them as inherently positive, neutral, requiring monitoring, or – dangerous ones that should be excludEditura The classification is based on advanced psychological and social criteria that allow you to filter the processing of the contents at each stage of the preparation of youth for the period of respiratory parenting.