Influience of metabolites of some streptomycetes on the germination of tomato seeds and nematodes of greenhouse
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579.87:631.53:635.64 (1)
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SM ISO690:2012
POIRAS, Nadejda, POSTOLAKY, О., BALTSAT, Cristina, POIRAS, Larisa, BURTSEVA, Svetlana. Influience of metabolites of some streptomycetes on the germination of tomato seeds and nematodes of greenhouse. In: Studii si comunicări , 2010, nr. 23, pp. 33-37. ISSN 1584-3416.
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Studii si comunicări
Numărul 23 / 2010 / ISSN 1584-3416

Influience of metabolites of some streptomycetes on the germination of tomato seeds and nematodes of greenhouse

CZU: 579.87:631.53:635.64

Pag. 33-37

Poiras Nadejda1, Postolaky О.2, Baltsat Cristina2, Poiras Larisa3, Burtseva Svetlana2
1 Moldova State University,
2 Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology of the ASM,
3 Institute of Zoology ASM
Disponibil în IBN: 23 octombrie 2021


Tomato is the most important vegetable cultured under glasshouses growing usually in monoculture or as part of a narrow crop rotation. An important aspect of this intensive cropping system is control of pest and diseases. Nematode Meloidogyne sp. is the main cause of yield losses in the glasshouse crops as their populations can build up very quickly under the ideal conditions of temperature and humidity. Many soil microorganisms including the actinomycetes have the capacity to produce the various biological active substances with antibacterial and antifungal activities which negatively influence on growth and development of some dangerous plant parasites including nematodes. The purpose of this research is to study the biological activity of some new strains of Streptomyces sp. isolated from the soils of R.Moldova. The metabolites of 27 strains of streptomycetes were studied on their phytostimulating and nematicidal activities. The influence of Streptomyces sp. metabolites on the germination of tomato seeds (grades Leana and Novelty of Dniester) has been studied. It has been revealed, that seeds of grade Leana possess higher germination. Such strains as Streptomyces sp. 11, Streptomyces sp. 22, Streptomyces sp. 182 increased the length of rootlets and their weight on 15 - 20 % in comparison with the control. In laboratory conditions the influence of metabolites of these strains on the plant parasite nematodes (order Tylenchida, phylum Nematoda) has been checked. The negative influence on second stage of juveniles of root-knot nematodes has rendered the metabolites of strains Streptomyces sp. 11 and Streptomyces sp. 182, causing the wrinkle of nematode cuticle and the decrease of their activity.

actinomycetes, exometabolites, phytostimulate and nematicide activities, tomato seeds, root-knot nematode