Colecţia de plante din Familia Arecaceae Sch.-Bip. a Grădinii Botanice Naţionale (Institut) „Alexandru Ciubotaru”.
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SM ISO690:2012
ȚÎMBALÎ, Valentina, GUŞANOVA, Victoria. Colecţia de plante din Familia Arecaceae Sch.-Bip. a Grădinii Botanice Naţionale (Institut) „Alexandru Ciubotaru”.. In: Revista Botanică, 2020, nr. 2(21), pp. 190-191. ISSN 1857-2367. DOI:
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Revista Botanică
Numărul 2(21) / 2020 / ISSN 1857-2367 /ISSNe 2587-3814

Colecţia de plante din Familia Arecaceae Sch.-Bip. a Grădinii Botanice Naţionale (Institut) „Alexandru Ciubotaru”.


Pag. 190-191

Țîmbalî Valentina, Guşanova Victoria
National Botanical Garden (Institute) "Alexandru Ciubotaru"
Disponibil în IBN: 6 mai 2021


During about 50 years, at the “Al. Ciubotaru” NBGI, the collection of plants of the Arecaceae family has been created and enriched; it currently includes 34 taxa, in 18 genera. Eleven taxa are able to reach the generative stage (flowering), and seven are able to produce fruits with seeds. The palm trees from the collection are propagated by seeds. Palm trees grow apically.

family, Genus, species, Arecaceae, palm trees, collection, mobilization, introduction