Estimation of the above-ground vegetal mass of the grass layer in the Balti urban ecosystem, Ghindești, Mărculești suburban ecosystems (Floresti district)
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[504.7+574.4](478) (1)
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SM ISO690:2012
BULIMAGA, Constantin, PORTARESCU, Anastasia, CERTAN, Corina. Estimation of the above-ground vegetal mass of the grass layer in the Balti urban ecosystem, Ghindești, Mărculești suburban ecosystems (Floresti district). In: Present Environment and Sustainable Development, Ed. 15, 21 noiembrie 2020, Iași. Iași, România: Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, 2020, Ediția 15, pp. 45-46.
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Present Environment and Sustainable Development
Ediția 15, 2020
Conferința "Present Environment and Sustainable Development"
15, Iași, Romania, 21 noiembrie 2020

Estimation of the above-ground vegetal mass of the grass layer in the Balti urban ecosystem, Ghindești, Mărculești suburban ecosystems (Floresti district)

CZU: [504.7+574.4](478)

Pag. 45-46

Bulimaga Constantin, Portarescu Anastasia, Certan Corina
Institute of Ecology and Geography
Disponibil în IBN: 6 ianuarie 2021


In order to evaluate the anthropic impact on biodiversity in this paper, the study on the net primary production (phytomass) in the urban ecosystem Bălți and the suburban ecosystems Ghindești, Mărculești (Floresti district) is carried out. Based on the results obtained, it was demonstrated that the highest amount of fresh phytomass of the grass layer is recorded in the village of Mărculești, which is 1324 g / m2. In the other resorts, the fresh phytomass is practically the same, remaining within the limits of 452 g/m2 (Bălți town, upstream and on the outskirts) and 606 g/m2 (car station, Bălți town), respectively.
The determination of the dry phytomass of the grass layer showed that the smallest amount of dry vegetal mass is attested for the area of the bus station in the town, Bălți - 144 g/m2, followed by the Răut river area from Ghindești village and upstream of the town Bălți, with 230 and 240 g / m2 respectively. A larger amount of dried phytomass is obtained at the periphery of the town. Bălți - 350 g/m2, and the largest amount was set for Mărculești - 370 g/m2.
It should be noted that dry plant mass differs significantly from wet plant mass. This is explained by the fact that in the samples taken were present different species of plants, some of them (representatives of the family Chenopodiaceae), drying, became very light, and others - practically did not change their weight so considerably, as they were in the fruiting phase and had ears (family Poaceae).
The amount of organic matter in the grass layer has an enormous significance for vegetation, it serves as a source of nutrition and plant development - primary producers of food chains. The highest amount of organic matter is registered both in the phytomass sample from Mărculești village - 316 g/m2, and in the one from the outskirts of the town. Bălți - 314 g/m2. In the village of Ghindești and upstream of the town. Ponds are 206 g/m2 and 200 g/m2 of organic matter, respectively. The lowest amount of organic matter was set for the sample of plant material near the bus station - only 120 g/m2. This is explained by the fact that the anthropogenic factor dominates near the station, the air and soil are more polluted, which essentially contributes to reducing the amount of organic matter.
Determination of the amount of water in plant biomass. Water is essential in the growth and development of plants, as well as in the longer maintenance of the vegetation period. Unfortunately, the drought that has been present practically throughout the summer, as well as the lack of rainfall this year have affected plant productivity. The obtained data show that we find the largest amount of water for the vegetation in the village of Mărculești - 954 g/m2. At the opposite pole, 102 g/m2 is registered in the sample of vegetal material from the periphery of the town Balti. In the other phytomassage samples are 462 g/m2 - at the bus station or. Bălți, 278 g/m2 - Ghindești village and 222 g/m2 upstream of the town. Bălți.