Tangențe ale concepției securității umane cu opera lui B.P. Hașdeu
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SM ISO690:2012
SPRINCEAN, Serghei. Tangențe ale concepției securității umane cu opera lui B.P. Hașdeu. In: Conferinţa-omagiu "Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu: Patrie, Onoare şi Ştiinţă", Ed. o, 23 martie 2018, Cahul. Cahul, Republica Moldova: Universitatea de Stat „Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu”, 2018, pp. 132-143. ISBN 978-9975-88-031-2.
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Conferinţa-omagiu "Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu: Patrie, Onoare şi Ştiinţă" 2018
Conferința "Conferinţa-omagiu "Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu: Patrie, Onoare şi Ştiinţă" "
o, Cahul, Moldova, 23 martie 2018

Tangențe ale concepției securității umane cu opera lui B.P. Hașdeu

Pag. 132-143

Sprincean Serghei
Institutul de Cercetări Juridice, Politice și Sociologice
Disponibil în IBN: 8 noiembrie 2020


B.P. Hașdeu – an illustrious Romanian scholar of the beginning of the XXth century, has left an outstanding intellectual and scientific heritage on a big diversity of issues and problems which preoccupate the scientific community and in nowadays. The aim of the article is the analysis of the works of B.P. Hașdeu in context of development of the conception on human security. The field of assuring of human security has a special importance in conditions of amplification of multidimensional global crisis, regarding all sides of social life, profoundly affecting also the private life of citizens, menacing with disappearance even the whole manhood. The major role of assuring human security in the process of overpassing global crisis is invaluable, since it comes to combine the most diverse and most performing methodologies, technologies and resources in the way of achieving the proposed objective. Is shown that the impact of the scientific works of B.P. Hașdeu is of significant importance on the conceptualizing human security theory.

human security, Hașdeu, global danger, human dignity, liberty, responsibility

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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>B.P. Hașdeu &ndash; an illustrious Romanian scholar of the beginning of the XXth century, has left an outstanding intellectual and scientific heritage on a big diversity of issues and problems which preoccupate the scientific community and in nowadays. The aim of the article is the analysis of the works of B.P. Hașdeu in context of development of the conception on human security. The field of assuring of human security has a special importance in conditions of amplification of multidimensional global crisis, regarding all sides of social life, profoundly affecting also the private life of citizens, menacing with disappearance even the whole manhood. The major role of assuring human security in the process of overpassing global crisis is invaluable, since it comes to combine the most diverse and most performing methodologies, technologies and resources in the way of achieving the proposed objective. Is shown that the impact of the scientific works of B.P. Hașdeu is of significant importance on the conceptualizing human security theory.</p></description>