Training personality of success
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2024-04-19 11:07
SM ISO690:2012
CUMPĂNĂȘOIU, Teodor Sorin. Training personality of success. In: Identities in Globalisation. Intercultural Perspectives: Literature, 11-12 septembrie 2020, Tîrgu Mureş,. Tîrgu Mureş, România: The Alpha Institute for Multicultural Studies, 2020, Ediția a 7-a, Lite, pp. 529-551. ISBN 978-606-8624-10-5.
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Identities in Globalisation. Intercultural Perspectives
Ediția a 7-a, Lite, 2020
Conferința "Identities in Globalisation. Intercultural Perspectives"
Tîrgu Mureş,, Romania, 11-12 septembrie 2020

Training personality of success

Pag. 529-551

Cumpănășoiu Teodor Sorin
Free International University of Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 12 octombrie 2020


The family, the family climate and the relationships between the members of the family are able to put their fingerprint, sometimes decisively, on the behavior of the people in the society, on the way in which they fulfill their duties, on the values that they promote, on how to relate to social realities in general. The humanist approach studies personality as the social conditional structure, looking for the sources of the human psyche in social interactions. The system of the complex social sphere contributes exclusively to the formation of life positions, the realization of the personal values of the human being. There is an underestimation of the biological side, the genetic factors playing a secondary role. The consequence that derives from this point of view is the interruption of the course of the natural, continuous development and the appearance of effects of deformation of the personality.

personality, success, family, mental, psychology