
Afiliat la Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu“

2023 - 2

10 years of activity of the human tissue bank in the field of cornea sampling and processing from the Republic of Moldova
Cociug Adrian , Macagonova Olga , Ţîmbalari Tatiana , Ţîmbalari Tatiana , Nacu Viorel
Cells and tissues transplantation. Actualities and perspectives
2023. Chişinău. CEP ”Medicina”. 19-19.
Disponibil online 5 July, 2023
10 years of activity of the human tissue bank in the field of cornea sampling and processing from the Republic of Moldova
Cociug Adrian , Macagonova Olga , Ţîmbalari Tatiana , Ţîmbalari Tatiana , Nacu Viorel
Cells and tissues transplantation. Actualities and perspectives
2023. Chişinău. CEP ”Medicina”. 19-19.
Disponibil online 5 July, 2023

2021 - 1

A survey of public knowledge and attitude towards tissue, cell donation and transplantation in the Republic of Moldova
Ţîmbalari Tatiana , Lozan Oleg , Codreanu Igor , Nacu Viorel
Moldovan Medical Journal
Nr. 2(64) / 2021 / ISSN 2537-6373 / ISSNe 2537-6381
Disponibil online 4 May, 2021

2020 - 2

Estimating the clinical needs for tissues and cells in the Republic of Moldova
Ţîmbalari Tatiana
Moldovan Medical Journal
Nr. 1(63) / 2020 / ISSN 2537-6373 / ISSNe 2537-6381
Disponibil online 11 March, 2020
Assessment of human tissue transplantation activities in the republic of Moldova
Ţîmbalari Tatiana , Codreanu Igor , Lozan Oleg , Nacu Viorel
IFMBE Proceedings. 4th International Conference on Nanotechnologies and Biomedical Engineering
Ediția 4, Vol.77. 2020. Switzerland. Springer Nature Switzerland AG. 621-625.
Disponibil online 24 October, 2020

2018 - 1

Grafts of the cornea in pediatrics
Cociug Adrian , Ţîmbalari Tatiana , Macagonova Olga
MedEsperaInternational Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors
7. 2018. Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. . 203-204.
Disponibil online 3 March, 2021

2017 - 2

Medicina regenerativă in restabilirea țesuturilor scheletice
Nacu Viorel , Coşciug Stanislav , Cobzac Vitalie , Ţîmbalari Tatiana
Arta Medica
Nr. 2(63) / 2017 / ISSN 1810-1852 / ISSNe 1810-1879
Disponibil online 12 September, 2017
Istoricul dezvoltării transplantului de ţesuturi şi celule: articol de sinteză
Ţîmbalari Tatiana , Lozan Oleg , Nacu Viorel
Revista de Ştiinţe ale Sănătăţii din Moldova
Nr. 4(14) / 2017 / ISSN 2345-1467
Disponibil online 26 February, 2018

2014 - 1

Sistemul informaţional automatizat în asigurarea managementului calităţii în Banca de Ţesuturi Umane
Nacu Viorel , Ispas Anastasia , Rudenco E. , Ţîmbalari Tatiana , Topor Boris , Soltan Viorel
Curierul Medical
Nr. 6(57) / 2014 / ISSN 1875-0666
Disponibil online 17 February, 2015

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