International Agriculture CongressŞtiinţe agricole, 2021
Estimation of The Productive Potential of Non-Dry Chicken Adlerskaya Silver on The Background of Application of Non-Conventional Feed Additives
Caisîn Larisa1, Cara Alla2
1 State Agrarian University of Moldova ,
2 Comrat State University
International Agriculture Congress
Ediția 4. 2021. Turcia. ISBN 978-605-80128-6-8.
Photosynthetic Activity of Merlot clone 348 in the Conditions of ATU Gagauzia
Kara Serghei
Comrat State University
International Agriculture Congress
Ediția 4. 2021. Turcia. ISBN 978-605-80128-6-8.
Продуктивность И Продолжительность Срока Эксплуатации Насаждений Крыжовника В Условиях Республики Молдова
Sava Parascovia
Practical Scientific Institute of Horticulture and Food Technology
International Agriculture Congress
Ediția 4. 2021. Turcia. ISBN 978-605-80128-6-8.
The Influence of Abiotic Factors on the Development and Productivity of Apricot Plantations in the Republic of Moldova
Peşteanu Ananie, Negru Ion
State Agrarian University of Moldova
International Agriculture Congress
Ediția 4. 2021. Turcia. ISBN 978-605-80128-6-8.
Влияние Регуляторов Роста На Развитие Деревьев, Завязывания Плодов И Урожайности Черешни Сорта Кордия.
Пештяну Анание, Лозан Андрей
Государственный Аграрный Университет Молдовы
International Agriculture Congress
Ediția 4. 2021. Turcia. ISBN 978-605-80128-6-8.
The Productivity and Quality of New Apple Varieties Depending on The Biological Characteristics of The Variety in The Conditions of The Republic of Moldova
Bîlici Inna, Balan Petru
State Agrarian University of Moldova
International Agriculture Congress
Ediția 4. 2021. Turcia. ISBN 978-605-80128-6-8.
The Impact of The Cherry Tree Pruning Period on The Production and Quality of Fruit in an Intensive Cultivation System
Balan Valerian, Şarban Vasile
State Agrarian University of Moldova
International Agriculture Congress
Ediția 4. 2021. Turcia. ISBN 978-605-80128-6-8.
Physico-Chemical Properties of Honey and Sunflower Flowers of Various Soil and Climatic Zones of The Republic of Moldova
Eremia Nicolae1, Kosheleva О.21, Neicovcena Irina2, Makaev Fliur3
1 State Agrarian University of Moldova ,
2 Comrat State University,
3 Institute of Chemistry
International Agriculture Congress
Ediția 4. 2021. Turcia. ISBN 978-605-80128-6-8.
Изучение разнообразных форм ведения кустов винограда на модернизированной шпалере сорта Pinot blanc R7
Ботнаренко Андрей, Рапча М., Анточ А., Корня В., Кравец Наталья
Научно-исследовательский институт садоводства и пищевых технологий
International Agriculture Congress
Ediția 4. 2021. Turcia. ISBN 978-605-80128-6-8.
Influence of The Crown Formation System on The Growth and Fruiting of Sweet Cherry in an Intensive Cultivation System
Manziuc Valerii, Fedorciucov Ilia
State Agrarian University of Moldova
International Agriculture Congress
Ediția 4. 2021. Turcia. ISBN 978-605-80128-6-8.
Adaptive peculiarities of the Bianca variety when growing on slopes different expositions in the central region of viticulture of the republic of moldova
Gribkova Anna , Kisil Sergey, Dumitrash Angela, Ceban Alvina
Научно-практический институт садоводства, виноградарства и пищевых технологий, Кишинёв
International Agriculture Congress
Ediția 4. 2021. Turcia. ISBN 978-605-80128-6-8.
Influence of the crown formation system on the growth and fruiting of sweet cherry in an intensive cultivation system
Manziuc Valerii, Fedorciucov Ilia
State Agrarian University of Moldova
International Agriculture Congress
Ediția 4. 2021. Turcia. ISBN 978-605-80128-6-8.
The Influence of Postharvest Calcium Application in Hydrocooling Water on Physiological and Biochemical Parameters of Sweet Cherries of Regina Varieties
Lozan Andrei
State Agrarian University of Moldova
International Agriculture Congress
Ediția 4. 2021. Turcia. ISBN 978-605-80128-6-8.

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