Lista publicaţiilor în perioada: 1994-2024, Moldova, Republica - 3
Revista: Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Palaontologie - Abhandlungen

2021 - 1

Early evolutionary radiation and diversity of the old world telemetacarpal deer (Capreolinae, Cervidae, Mammalia)
Croitor Roman
Institute of Zoology
Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Palaontologie - Abhandlungen
Nr. 1(300) / 2021 / ISSN 0077-7749
Disponibil online 17 May, 2021

2020 - 1

Deer from the early pliocene prioziornoe, kuchurgan river valley (Moldova, eastern Europe)
Croitor Roman , Zakharov Denis S., Mararescul Vladislav Anatolii
Institute of Zoology,
Université d’Aix-Marseille,
State Institute of Ecology and Natural Resources of Bendery
Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Palaontologie - Abhandlungen
Nr. 3(297) / 2020 / ISSN 0077-7749
Disponibil online 15 March, 2021

2017 - 1

Description of a new deer species (Cervidae, Mammalia) from the Early Pliocene of Eastern Europe, with a review of early dispersals and palaeobiogeography of the subfamily Cervinae
Croitor Roman
Universitatea Provence, Marseille (Aix-Marseille Université),
Institute of Zoology ASM
Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Palaontologie - Abhandlungen
Nr. 1(283) / 2017 / ISSN 0077-7749
Disponibil online 14 March, 2022

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