
Ladipo Patrick

Articole în reviste din RM - 2, Descărcări - 84, Vizualizări - 1055
ISO 690-2012

2022 - 1

Instant rebate coupon and its influence in online consumer purchase intent among university students in Nigeria
Dixon-Ogbechi Bolajoko , Ladipo Patrick , Akinbodun Olubukola
Journal of Social Sciences
Nr. 2 / 2022 / ISSN 2587-3490 / ISSNe 2587-3504
Disponibil online 10 June, 2022. Descarcări-54. Vizualizări-613

2021 - 1

Influence of technology acceptance model (TAM) on customer adoption of e-banking practice in Lagos state
Ladipo Patrick , Dixon-Ogbechi Bolajoko , Enyinnaya Nnenna , Akeke Olushola
Journal of Social Sciences
Nr. 3 / 2021 / ISSN 2587-3490 / ISSNe 2587-3504
Disponibil online 21 September, 2021. Descarcări-30. Vizualizări-442
1 - 2 of 2