Lista publicaţiilor: Zasaviţchi Efim Alexei - 15

2017 - 1

A study of changes in the precipitation regime in the region of long-term hail suppression activities in the central region of the Republic of Moldova
Potapov Evghenii Ivan, Sidorenko Anatolie Serghei, Zasavitsky E.
Institute of the Electronic Engineering and Nanotechnologies "D. Ghitu" of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova
Moldavian Journal of the Physical Sciences
Nr. 3-4(16) / 2017 / ISSN 1810-648X / ISSNe 2537-6365
Disponibil online 1 February, 2019

2016 - 1

Environmental impact studies related to ice-forming aerosol usage in cloud seeding activities in Moldova
Potapov Evghenii Ivan, Sidorenko Anatolie Serghei, Zasavitsky E.
Institute of the Electronic Engineering and Nanotechnologies "D. Ghitu" of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova
Moldavian Journal of the Physical Sciences
Nr. 1-2(15) / 2016 / ISSN 1810-648X / ISSNe 2537-6365
Disponibil online 4 December, 2016

2014 - 1

Dynamic testing of full-size rocket aerosol generators utilized for impacting on atmospheric processes
Zasavitsky E.
Institute of the Electronic Engineering and Nanotechnologies "D. Ghitu" of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova
Moldavian Journal of the Physical Sciences
Nr. 3-4(13) / 2014 / ISSN 1810-648X / ISSNe 2537-6365
Disponibil online 12 October, 2015

2013 - 1

Effect of hygroscopic pyrotechnic compositions on the dispersion of a model cloud environment
Zasavitsky E.
Institute of the Electronic Engineering and Nanotechnologies "D. Ghitu" of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova
Moldavian Journal of the Physical Sciences
Nr. 1-2(12) / 2013 / ISSN 1810-648X / ISSNe 2537-6365
Disponibil online 18 December, 2013

2012 - 1

Forecasting the type of precipitation from cumulonimbus clouds
Zasavitsky E., Potapov Evghenii Ivan, Tincovan Serghei , Bejenaru Sergiu , Corotcova Lora I., Popova Victoria P.
Institute of the Electronic Engineering and Nanotechnologies "D. Ghitu" of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova
Moldavian Journal of the Physical Sciences
Nr. 3(11) / 2012 / ISSN 1810-648X / ISSNe 2537-6365
Disponibil online 5 December, 2013

2010 - 2

Simulation of rocket seeding of convective clouds with coarse hygroscopic aerosol: 2. Condensation and coagulation processes in cloud zones seeded with hygroscopic particles
Abshaev M. T., Abshaev A. M., Zhekamukhov M. K., Potapov Evghenii Ivan, Garaba Ion , Zasavitsky E.
1 High Mountain Geophysical Institute of ROSHYDROMET,
2 Institute of the Electronic Engineering and Nanotechnologies "D. Ghitu" of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova
Moldavian Journal of the Physical Sciences
Nr. 1(9) / 2010 / ISSN 1810-648X / ISSNe 2537-6365
Disponibil online 19 November, 2013
The aerodynamic stand for research of ice-forming characteristics of reagents
Zasavitsky E.
Institute of the Electronic Engineering and Nanotechnologies "D. Ghitu" of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova
Moldavian Journal of the Physical Sciences
Nr. 2(9) / 2010 / ISSN 1810-648X / ISSNe 2537-6365
Disponibil online 29 July, 2013

2009 - 2

Infrared detectors for safety-control of postoffice messages
Sidorenko Anatolie Serghei, Prepelitsa Andrei, Cojocaru Victor Pavel, Zasavitsky E., Banduryan B. B., Bazaleev M. I., Klepikov Vyacheslav F., Lytvynenko V. V.
1 Institute of the Electronic Engineering and Nanotechnologies "D. Ghitu" of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova,
2 Institute of Nanotechnology,
3 Scientific and Technological Center of Electrophysics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Moldavian Journal of the Physical Sciences
Nr. 2(8) / 2009 / ISSN 1810-648X / ISSNe 2537-6365
Disponibil online 15 December, 2013
Application of the object-resource system development mo del for explanation of specific features of evolution of a convective cloud (convective cell)
Burunducov G S, Potapov Evghenii Ivan, Garaba Ion , Plyusnin S., Zasavitsky E., Abshaev M. T., Abshaev A. M.
1 Institute of the Electronic Engineering and Nanotechnologies "D. Ghitu" of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova,
2 High Mountain Geophysical Institute of ROSHYDROMET
Moldavian Journal of the Physical Sciences
Nr. 1(8) / 2009 / ISSN 1810-648X / ISSNe 2537-6365
Disponibil online 30 November, 2013

2008 - 3

Hail cloud seeding optimization on the basis of theoretica research in spreading of crystallizing agents and their influence on cloud medium
Abshaev M. T., Abshaev A. M., Sadycov Ia. , Burunducov G S, Tincovan Serghei , Zasavitsky E., Plyusnin S., Potapov Evghenii Ivan
1 High Mountain Geophysical Institute of ROSHYDROMET,
2 Institute of the Electronic Engineering and Nanotechnologies "D. Ghitu" of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova
Moldavian Journal of the Physical Sciences
Nr. 3(7) / 2008 / ISSN 1810-648X / ISSNe 2537-6365
Disponibil online 16 December, 2013
Thermoelectric power in single crystal microwires of PbTe.
Kantser Valeriu, Zasavitsky E.
Institute of the Electronic Engineering and Nanotechnologies "D. Ghitu" of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova
Moldavian Journal of the Physical Sciences
Nr. 2(7) / 2008 / ISSN 1810-648X / ISSNe 2537-6365
Disponibil online 19 November, 2013
Simulation of rocket seeding of convective clouds with coarse hygroscopic aerosol. 1. Condensation growth of cloud droplets on salt crystals
Abshaev M. T., Abshaev A. M., Zhekamukhov M. K., Potapov Evghenii Ivan, Tincovan Serghei , Zasaviţchi Efim Alexei
1 Государственное Учреждение «Высокогорный геофизический институт» Нальчик, Россия,
2 Institutul de Inginerie Electronică şi Nanotehnologii "D. Ghiţu" al AŞM
Moldavian Journal of the Physical Sciences
Nr. 2(7) / 2008 / ISSN 1810-648X / ISSNe 2537-6365
Disponibil online 13 December, 2013

2007 - 1

Tensoresistive effect in single crystal microwires of PbTe doped with Tl
Zasavitsky E.
Institute of the Electronic Engineering and Nanotechnologies "D. Ghitu" of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova
Moldavian Journal of the Physical Sciences
Nr. 2(6) / 2007 / ISSN 1810-648X / ISSNe 2537-6365
Disponibil online 16 December, 2013

2006 - 1

Superconducting properties of single crystal wires of lead telluride doped with thallium active pore materials based on sludges of Cr-Ni alloy electrochemical machining
Zasavitsky E.
Institute of the Electronic Engineering and Nanotechnologies "D. Ghitu" of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova
Moldavian Journal of the Physical Sciences
Nr. 2(5) / 2006 / ISSN 1810-648X / ISSNe 2537-6365
Disponibil online 19 November, 2013

2005 - 1

Thermoelectric power of Tl-doped PbTe monocrystal
Zasavitsky E.
Institute of the Electronic Engineering and Nanotechnologies "D. Ghitu" of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova
Moldavian Journal of the Physical Sciences
Nr. 3(4) / 2005 / ISSN 1810-648X / ISSNe 2537-6365
Disponibil online 19 November, 2013

1-15 of 15