
Afiliat la Universitatea de Stat M.V. Lomonosov din Moscova

2021 - 3

Inelastic scattering of 14.1 MeV neutrons on iron
Fedorov Nikita , Grozdanov Dimitar N. , Kopach Yu. N. , Tretyakova Tatyana , Ruskov Ivan N. , Skoy Vadim R. , Dashkov I. , Aliyev Fuad A. , Dabylova S. , Hramco Constantin , Kumar Ashok M.R. , Gandhi A. , Wang D. , Bogolyubov Evgeniy , Yurkov D.
European Physical Journal A
Nr. 6(57) / 2021 / ISSN 1434-6001 / ISSNe 1434-601X
Disponibil online 28 June, 2021
Modeling 14 MeV Neutron Scattering on Titanium, Chromium, and Iron Nuclei Using the TALYS Program
Dashkov I. , Fedorov Nikita , Grozdanov Dimitar N. , Kopach Yu. N. , Tretyakova Tatyana , Ruskov Ivan N. , Skoy Vadim R. , Dabylova S. , Aliev F. , Hramco Constantin , Gundorin N. A. , Marzhokhov R. , Barmakov Yu. , Bogolyubov Evgeniy , Zverev Vladimir
Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics
Nr. 10(85) / 2021 / ISSN 1062-8738 / ISSNe 1934-9432
Disponibil online 30 November, 2021
Measuring Yields and Angular Distributions of γ-Quanta from the Interaction between 14.1 MeV Neutrons and Sodium and Chlorine Nuclei
Dabylova S. , Kopach Yu. N. , Fedorov Nikita , Grozdanov Dimitar N. , Ruskov Ivan N. , Skoy Vadim R. , Hramco Constantin , Tretyakova Tatyana , Sakhiyev S. , Marzhokhov R. , Bogolyubov Evgeniy , Zverev Vladimir , Barmakov Yu.
Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics
Nr. 10(85) / 2021 / ISSN 1062-8738 / ISSNe 1934-9432
Disponibil online 30 November, 2021

2020 - 2

Measurement of the Yield and Angular Distributions of Gamma Rays Originating from the Interaction of 14.1-MeV Neutrons with Chromium Nuclei
Grozdanov Dimitar N. , Fedorov Nikita , Hramco Constantin
Physics of Atomic Nuclei
Nr. 3(83) / 2020 / ISSN 1063-7788
Disponibil online 15 September, 2020
Measuring the Yields and Angular Distributions of γ Quanta from the Interaction between 14.1 MeV Neutrons and Magnesium Nuclei
Fedorov Nikita , Grozdanov Dimitar N. , Kopach Yu. N. , Bystritsky Vyatscheslav , Tretyakova Tatyana , Ruskov Ivan N. , Skoy Vadim R. , Dabylova S. , Aliev F. , Hramco Constantin , Gundorin N. A. , Dashkov I. , Bogolyubov Evgeniy , Yurkov D. , Gandhi A. , Kumar Ashok M.R.
Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics
Nr. 4(84) / 2020 / ISSN 1062-8738 / ISSNe 1934-9432
Disponibil online 7 July, 2020

2019 - 1

Investigation of Inelastic Neutron Scattering on 27Al Nuclei
Fedorov Nikita , Tretyakova Tatyana , Bystritsky Vyatscheslav , Kopach Yu. N. , Ruskov Ivan N. , Skoy Vadim R. , Grozdanov Dimitar N. , Zamyatin Nikolay I. , Dongming W. , Aliev F. , Hramco Constantin , Kumar Ashok M.R. , Gandhi A. , Dabylova S. , Yurkov D. , Barmakov Yu.
Physics of Atomic Nuclei
Nr. 4(82) / 2019 / ISSN 1063-7788
Disponibil online 30 September, 2019

2018 - 2

Neutron beam profilometer on the base of double-sided silicon strip detectors
Zamyatin Nikolay I. , Bystritsky Vyatscheslav , Kopach Yu. N. , Aliyev Fuad A. , Grozdanov Dimitar N. , Fedorov Nikita , Hramco Constantin , Ruskov Ivan N. , Skoy Vadim R. , Slepnev Vyacheslav M. , Wang D. , Zubarev E. V.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
Nr. 898 / 2018 / ISSN 0168-9002
Disponibil online 18 June, 2018
Measurements of the gamma-quanta angular distributions emitted from neutron inelastic scattering on 28Si
Fedorov Nikita , Grozdanov Dimitar N. , Bystritskiy V. , Kopach Yu. N. , Ruskov Ivan N. , Skoy Vadim R. , Tretyakova Tatyana , Zamyatin Nikolay I. , Wang D. , Aliev F. , Hramco Constantin , Gandhi A. , Kumar Ashok M.R. , Dabylova S. , Bogolubov E. , Barmakov Yu.
EPJ Web of Conferences
Ediția a 21-a. 2018. Les Ulis, Franța. EDP Sciences. 1-5.
Disponibil online 21 July, 2021

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