4th Central and Eastern European LUMEN International Scientific Conference on Education, Sport and HealthEconomie , 2017
The Role of Consultancy in the Management of Customer Relationships to Entities with Sporting Profile
Frant Anna
State University of Physical Education and Sport
4th Central and Eastern European LUMEN International Scientific Conference on Education, Sport and Health
2017. Iași, România.
Education and Wage Inequalities under a Counterfactual Scenario of Minimum Wage
Popescu Madalina Ecaterina, Militaru Eva
National Scientific Research Institute for Labour and Social Protection
4th Central and Eastern European LUMEN International Scientific Conference on Education, Sport and Health
2017. Iași, România.
Organizational Culture - the Condition of the University Excellence
Rusnac Svetlana, Zmuncila Ludmila
Free International University of Moldova
4th Central and Eastern European LUMEN International Scientific Conference on Education, Sport and Health
2017. Iași, România.
Career Anchors and their Interference on Work Balance in Moldova
Zubenschi Mariana
Free International University of Moldova
4th Central and Eastern European LUMEN International Scientific Conference on Education, Sport and Health
2017. Iași, România.

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