The food traditions of peasants in Moscow region at the irst half of the 20th century (the villages of Kolomenskoe and Sadovaya Sloboda)
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392.8(=161.1)(470)"XVIII-XIX" (2)
Obiceiuri, datini privind viața particulară (277)
SM ISO690:2012
SAVOSTYANOVA, Оlga. The food traditions of peasants in Moscow region at the irst half of the 20th century (the villages of Kolomenskoe and Sadovaya Sloboda). In: Revista de Etnologie şi Culturologie, 2014, nr. 16, pp. 42-45. ISSN 1857-2049.
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Dublin Core
Revista de Etnologie şi Culturologie
Numărul 16 / 2014 / ISSN 1857-2049 /ISSNe 2537-6152

The food traditions of peasants in Moscow region at the irst half of the 20th century (the villages of Kolomenskoe and Sadovaya Sloboda)
CZU: 392.8(=161.1)(470)"XVIII-XIX"

Pag. 42-45

Savostyanova Оlga
Московский государственный объединенный художественный историко-архитектурный и природно-ландшафтный музей-заповедник, Коломенское
Disponibil în IBN: 16 octombrie 2015


The article examines the food traditions of old believing peasants in southern part of Moscow region. he researcher analyses the period from the end of the 19th century to the 1940s. he food traditions in the region were inluenced by peasants’ economy, the confession and proximity to the capital.

In acest articol se examinează tradițiile alimentare ale credincioșilor de rit vechi, locuitori ai suburbiilor din Sudul Moscovei. Perioada cronologică propusă spre analiză datează cu sfarșitul secolului al XIX-lea – inceputul secolului al XX-lea. Modul de a se alimenta al țăranilor a fost influențat de următorii factori: activitatea economică, confesiunea religioasă și stabilirea in imediata apropiere de capitală.

В настоящей статье рассматривается культура питания крестьян старообрядцев южного Подмосковья. Анализируется период конца XIX – начала XX вв. На культуру питания оказывали влияние следующие фак- торы: хозяйственная деятельность, конфессиональная принадлежность и близость столицы. Ключевые слова: зажиточные крестьяне, старообрядцы, культура питания, утварь, застолья праздников.

well-of peasantry, old-believers, food traditions, utensils, holiday meals