Cronica descoperirilor numismatice (VI)
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923 6
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2022-03-13 14:14
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similare conform CZU
902:737(478) (13)
Arheologie (941)
Arte plastice (432)
SM ISO690:2012
BOLDUREANU, Ana. Cronica descoperirilor numismatice (VI). In: Tyragetia. Serie nouă, 2012, nr. 1(21), pp. 347-352. ISSN 1857-0240.
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Dublin Core
Tyragetia. Serie nouă
Numărul 1(21) / 2012 / ISSN 1857-0240 /ISSNe 2537-6330

Cronica descoperirilor numismatice (VI)
CZU: 902:737(478)

Pag. 347-352

Boldureanu Ana
Muzeul Naţional de Arheologie şi Istorie a Moldovei
Disponibil în IBN: 17 martie 2015


The number of coin finds for 2011 is small, but among them there are several specimens, which are pretty rare for the Prut-Dniester area. It should be noted a bronze medallion of the time of Commodus found in the Grigoriopol District, a coin of KOINON MAKЄΔONΩN type of the period of Gordian III - Philip the Arab, discovered in the village of Pohoarna, Şoldăneşti District, as well as a hoard of Roman bronze coins of the 3rd-4th centuries found in the village of Goteşti, Cantemir district, after the floods of 2011. Two hoards found in the south belong to the Middle Ages. The first one, found in 2009 in Bugeac, Comrat, Gagauzia, consists of 4736 pieces. Most of them are the Ottoman coins dating from the first period of reign of Murad II (1421-1444) - Murad III (1574-1595), but there is also a coin issued during the third Shirvanshahs dynasty and 7 Russian kopecks of the 16th century. The second hoard was found near the village of Yuzhnoe, Cahul District, in 1980s. From its content there are 25 specimens representing the Ottoman akçes and their imitations minted in the period of Murad III - Mehmed III.

К средневековому периоду относятся два клада, обнаруженных на юге страны. Один из них, найденный в 2009 году в Буджаке Комратского района, АТО Гагаузия, состоит из 4736 предметов. Большинство из них является османскими монетами I периода правления Мурада II (1421-1444) - Мурада III (1574-1595), но есть также монета, выпущенная в период третьей династии Ширваншахов, и 7 русских копеек XVI века. Второй клад был найден у села Южное Кагульского района в 80-е гг. прошлого века. Из него сохранилось 25 монет, представляющих собой османские аспры и их имитации, отчеканенные во времена правления Мурада III - Мехмеда III.