Microprocessor verification by syntactically-controlled generation of the test programs
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SM ISO690:2012
BODYAN, Gh.. Microprocessor verification by syntactically-controlled generation of the test programs . In: Meridian Ingineresc, 2011, nr. 2, pp. 60-67. ISSN 1683-853X.
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Meridian Ingineresc
Numărul 2 / 2011 / ISSN 1683-853X

Microprocessor verification by syntactically-controlled generation of the test programs

Pag. 60-67

Bodyan Gh.
Technical University of Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 26 noiembrie 2013


În lucrare este analizată tehnica de sintetizare a algoritmilor de generare stilistic şi sintactic controlată a programelor de verificare a microprocesoarelor. Este prezentată dependenţa dintre lungimea programelor de testare (pt) şi repartiţia probabilităţilor asupra indicatorului (metricii) de calitate a verificării modelului microprocesorului (mp). A fost efectuată verificarea mp prin testarea deterministă, aleatoare şi controlată. rezultatele experimentelor de testare au demonstrat vădit avantajul tehnicii propuse în comparaţie cu alte metode competitive de generare a testelor de verificare a microprocesoarelor şi sistemelor ”on-chip”.

This paper presents an approach to synthesis of stylistically and syntactically controlled generator of the microprocessor test verification programs. The dependence of test length of the confidence level and the probabilities repartition of coverage metric is stated. It is developed the procedure of synthesis of a test program generator, represented by a stochastic grammar for a known microprocessor. Deterministic, random and controlled verification test experiments were performed. the obtained results clearly demonstrate the advantages of the proposed syntactic approach in comparison with others competitive methods of generation stimuli for verification of microprocessors and systems-on-chip.

Dans le travail on examine l'approche de la synthèse des générateurs des programmes de test (PT) contrôler stylistique et syntaxique. Est présentée la dépendance entre la longueur des programmes de test et la distribution des probabilités sur la métrique de la qualité de la vérification des projets des microprocesseurs (MP). Étaient faits les expériences déterminées, probabilistiques et contrôler de test de la vérification MP. Les résultats acquis prouvent clairement les avantages de la syntaxique approche proposée en comparaison d'autres méthodes à la génération stochastique contrôler des tests pour la vérification des microprocesseurs et les dispositifs comme “le système sur le cristal”.