Apariția și geneza culturii economice
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SM ISO690:2012
OLOIERU, Anastasia. Apariția și geneza culturii economice. In: Probleme actuale ale ştiinţelor umanistice: Analele științifice ale doctoranzilor și competitorilor, Ed. 15, 10 ianuarie 2016, Chişinău. Chișinău: CEP UPS „I.Creangă”, 2016, Vol.15, Partea 1, pp. 275-281. ISBN 978-9975-46-235-8. ISSN 1857-0267.
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Probleme actuale ale ştiinţelor umanistice
Vol.15, Partea 1, 2016
Conferința "Probleme actuale ale ştiinţelor umanistice"
15, Chişinău, Moldova, 10 ianuarie 2016

Apariția și geneza culturii economice

Pag. 275-281

Oloieru Anastasia
Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat „Ion Creangă“ din Chişinău
Disponibil în IBN: 28 martie 2023


Economic culture, means all the knowledge, values and motives that determine economic activity of people. Improvements of economic ideas were always present and ready long by historic. In antiquity, economic activity was oriented targets for political, religious and moral. In the Middle Ages was based on religious postulates. Intellectual evolution has conditioned the emergence of ideas mercantilist economic history of culture and classical liberalism, it has created homo economicus. Economic culture in the USSR, requires basic knowledge about the industrial personal and family economy. At that time when the first research on the economic culture, developed by A. Amend, E. Epștein, A. Atutov, etc. The economy, as a compulsory subject was introduced in Moldova after the 1994. Thus, following the Ministry of Education and NGO collaboration with Junior Achievemnet was developed curriculum from Economic and entrepreneurship education for high, middle and primary school. Mention that juncture, every person needs for affirmation entrepreneurial spirit, skills and competencies for success in integrating the personal, social and professional. Therefore, introducing elements of economic education in schools would be a good start to creating a good culture of economic.