Rolul societății civile în dezvoltarea comunităților locale din Republica Moldova
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292 11
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2024-05-09 10:08
SM ISO690:2012
MUNTEAN, Silvia. Rolul societății civile în dezvoltarea comunităților locale din Republica Moldova. In: Teoria și practica administrării publice, Ed. 26, 20 mai 2022, Chişinău. Chişinău: Centrul Editorial-Poligrafic al USM, 2022, Ediția 26, pp. 57-60. ISBN 978-9975-3542-3-3.
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Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Teoria și practica administrării publice
Ediția 26, 2022
Conferința "Teoria și practica administrației publice"
26, Chişinău, Moldova, 20 mai 2022

Rolul societății civile în dezvoltarea comunităților locale din Republica Moldova

The role of civil society in development local communities in the Republic of Moldova

Pag. 57-60

Muntean Silvia
Academia de Administrare Publică, Republica Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 11 noiembrie 2022


Building a high-performing local government system represents the fundamental dimension of the legiti-macy of the existence of the Republic of Moldova, vital steps have been taken towards the establishment and implementation of important reforms of democratization, including by assuming the commitment to reform the public administration and create autonomous local public authorities to address the needs of citizens through democratic and collaborative methods. Concrete action on behalf of the central, local public administration and citizens to strengthen the capacity of local public authorities requires territorial-administrative recalibration of territorial-administrative policies and sustainable reforms involving all stakeholders. Although the main legal and institutional framework has been created to achieve this strategic objective, however, there is a signifi-cant discrepancy between the conceptualization and perception in relation to local public authorities as formal authorities incapable of ensuring entirely the ownership at local level of the implementation of legal solutions adopted at central level. On the other hand, the exercise of public responsibilities must lie with those authorities that are closest to the citizens, to this extent the local public authorities having a decisive role in the socio-econo-mic life of the local communities they represent. This is manifested in practice by important competencies in the task of the local public authorities, by ensuring an adequate administrative and financial capacity for carrying out multiple activities and public services, as well as by the freedom to adapt its organizational and functional structures according to the needs and realities of the respective local communities.

civil society, local community, local autonomy, decentralization, public services.