Relationship between migration and climate change in Ukrainian legislation
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similare conform CZU
314.15:551.583(477) (2)
Populaţie (249)
Meteorologie (489)
SM ISO690:2012
MAIDANIK, Iryna. Relationship between migration and climate change in Ukrainian legislation. In: Creşterea economică în condiţiile globalizării, Ed. 16, 12-13 octombrie 2022, Chișinău. Chisinau, Moldova: INCE, 2022, Ediția 16, pp. 78-78b.
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Creşterea economică în condiţiile globalizării
Ediția 16, 2022
Conferința "Creşterea economică în condiţiile globalizării"
16, Chișinău, Moldova, 12-13 octombrie 2022

Relationship between migration and climate change in Ukrainian legislation

CZU: 314.15:551.583(477)
JEL: J60, K37, Q59

Pag. 78-78b

Maidanik Iryna
Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Disponibil în IBN: 7 noiembrie 2022


Migration is linked to environmental issues through a variety of mechanisms. Economic, political, demographic and cultural factors are interconnected with climatic ones. All together, they form among the population a certain kind of migration response in the “leave or stay” coordinate system. The full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine has led to catastrophic consequences in both the migration and environmental spheres. The influence of the military factor at the moment is not final since the situation is constantly changing due to ongoing active battles. In the future, scientists will have to reveal and characterize the consequences of the full-scale war on the migration of the Ukrainian population, environmental changes and the interaction between these two domains. There are no doubts that these consequences are supranational in nature, going far beyond the borders of Ukraine. The study of materials from the pre-war period on the aforementioned problems gives an important base for subsequent developments. This article aims to investigate the relationship between migration and climate change in the migration legislation of Ukraine. In the process of work, methods of document analysis, generalization, comparison, induction and analogy were used. The research showed the insufficient representation of environmental factors in migration legislation. A small number of direct relationships between migration and environmental spheres were found. They were built in the legislation through the prism of social protection of certain categories of migrants. However, the existing legal field provides potential opportunities for expanding such interaction. The proclaimed principle of compatibility of migration policy with other spheres of state activity is surely open to the environmental sphere. Additionally, the state can use the resource potential of return migrants and refugees, stimulating energy-efficient, environmentally friendly production and opening enterprises that contribute to solving environmental problems in Ukraine. However, such initiatives can be implemented on a large scale after restoring a peaceful way of life.

population migration, migration legislation, climate, environment