Externalizarea serviciilor către România
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1098 32
Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2024-02-26 22:52
Căutarea după subiecte
similare conform CZU
339:004(498) (1)
Comerț. Relații economice internaționale. Economie mondială (1969)
Știința și tehnologia calculatoarelor. Calculatoare. Procesarea datelor (4280)
SM ISO690:2012
DOBRE, Claudia. Externalizarea serviciilor către România . In: Drept, Economie şi Informatică, 2008, nr. 1(14), pp. 46-50. ISSN 1810-8725.
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Dublin Core
Drept, Economie şi Informatică
Numărul 1(14) / 2008 / ISSN 1810-8725

Externalizarea serviciilor către România
CZU: 339:004(498)

Pag. 46-50

Dobre Claudia
Universitatea „Ovidius“, Constanţa
Disponibil în IBN: 28 noiembrie 2013


Today’s highly competitive world business environment is forcing management to aggressively pursue ways to achieve efficiencies, improve customer service and save money. In their frantic search for new ways to streamline company operations, the concept of outsourcing „non-core” business processes and activities is a tempting new way to improve operations and costs. Management has become intrigued with the idea that they should be focusing on managing and controlling those key „core” business processes and activities that their organizations are best at doing and that represent the mainstay of the business instead of trying to dilute precious efforts in some of the business activities that do not represent the essence of the activities of the company. Here is where outsourcing comes to the rescue. The market for outsourcing is reported to be in the hundreds of billions of dollars. With its specialised human resources skills, its unique position at the gates of Europe, and a political and economic climate favorable to outsourcing and business development, Romania is competing with Czech Republic and Bulgaria in outsourcing IT development to Eastern Europe.

outsourcing, management, IT,

non core business