Răspunderea penală pentru încălcarea din neglijenţă a regulilor și metodelor de acordare a asistenţei medicale
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343.347 (54)
Infracțiuni împotriva statului (1081)
SM ISO690:2012
DEVDER, Djulieta. Răspunderea penală pentru încălcarea din neglijenţă a regulilor și metodelor de acordare a asistenţei medicale. In: Revista Procuraturii Republicii Moldova, 2019, nr. 3, pp. 57-63. ISSN 2587-3601.
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Dublin Core
Revista Procuraturii Republicii Moldova
Numărul 3 / 2019 / ISSN 2587-3601 /ISSNe 2587-361X

Răspunderea penală pentru încălcarea din neglijenţă a regulilor și metodelor de acordare a asistenţei medicale

CZU: 343.347

Pag. 57-63

Devder Djulieta
Procuratura Generală a Republicii Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 14 iulie 2021


The subject of medical malpractice has its province since ancient times, in concurrence with it, evolving the responsibility of the doctor that was in line with the social system of the time. Different societies have approached and solved the problem of medical malpractice differently, but this has often not surpassed the moral of the age. At the same time, the code warns potential amateurs of risky medical experiments on patients, establishing consistent punishments for incompetence and incompetence.

medical malpractice, medical code, the doctor's responsibility, Code of conduct for doctors, mistakes committed in the exercise of the profession, medical liability, medical ethics, the Hypocrites theses, negligence and medical incompetence, the Roman legislation