Stimularea procesului de formare a reprezentărilor despre numerele naturale la copiii de 4-5 ani prin jocurile didactice matematice
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2024-06-12 20:10
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371.382:51 (4)
Educație (14905)
Matematică (1700)
SM ISO690:2012
CURCUDEL, Elena, PAVLENCO (PIDLEAC), Mihaela. Stimularea procesului de formare a reprezentărilor despre numerele naturale la copiii de 4-5 ani prin jocurile didactice matematice. In: Calitate în educație - imperativ al societății contemporane, 4-5 decembrie 2020, Chişinău. Chișinău, Republica Moldova: CEP UPS „I.Creangă”, 2020, Vol.1, pp. 83-88. ISBN 978-9975-46-482-6; 978-9975-46-483-3.
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Calitate în educație - imperativ al societății contemporane
Vol.1, 2020
Conferința "Calitate în educație - imperativ al societății contemporane"
Chişinău, Moldova, 4-5 decembrie 2020

Stimularea procesului de formare a reprezentărilor despre numerele naturale la copiii de 4-5 ani prin jocurile didactice matematice

CZU: 371.382:51

Pag. 83-88

Curcudel Elena1, Pavlenco (Pidleac) Mihaela2
1 Grădiniţa cu Program Normal Frumoasa, com. Balcani, jud. Bacau,
2 Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat „Ion Creangă“ din Chişinău
Disponibil în IBN: 24 decembrie 2020


In the instructive educational process, mathematical activities are very important taking into consideration the tasks that kindergartens seek to pursue, while training and preparing the child for school as well as the influence wielded by this form of activity over the general development of a child. While playing or during his/her day-to-day activities, the child is often put in the position to operate with different quantities of objects or toys, and of course, also to add and subtract or count. At this stage, they don‟t anything else than imitate grown-ups whom they hear using numbers and who wrongly try to teach their children to count ahead of time. Thus, children first come into contact with the external appearance of numbers, with the word, while their signification is gradually assimilated during kindergarten, based on a complex set of actions and operations under the systematic guidance of their kindergarten teacher.

natural numbers, preschoolers, math games, math representations, middle preschool age