Family perception of student’s failure in school
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37.013.3+37.018.1 (2)
Основы образования. Теоретические основы. Философские основы и др. (4078)
SM ISO690:2012
CUMPĂNĂȘOIU, Teodor Sorin. Family perception of student’s failure in school. In: The contemporary issues of the socio-humanistic sciences, Ed. 10, 5-6 decembrie 2019, Chişinău. Chişinău: "Print-Caro" SRL, 2019, Ediția 10, pp. 54-55. ISBN 978-9975-3371-4-4.
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The contemporary issues of the socio-humanistic sciences
Ediția 10, 2019
Conferința "International Scientific Conference dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the foundation of Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences: ch"
10, Chişinău, Moldova, 5-6 decembrie 2019

Family perception of student’s failure in school

CZU: 37.013.3+37.018.1

Pag. 54-55

Cumpănășoiu Teodor Sorin
Free International University of Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 13 februarie 2020


School success is a positive, favorable, optimal alternative to school achievement, called school success. School success is given, first and foremost, by a high and effective theoretical and practical training of pupils and students. School success is expressed by grades between 7 and 10, obtained in the instructional-educational process. It can also be expressed and highlighted by the superior qualities of the personality such as: memory, logical thinking, imagination, creativity, high intelligence (over 100), motivations and aspirations superior to learning, dignified behavior, civilized etc. School failure represents the negative, unfavorable alternative to school performance, being termed a school failure or school unsuccess. It determines the poor results of the manifestation of the personality dimensions of the pupils. These can be expressed by: poorly developed intellectual capacities, indiscipline, behavioral deviations, lack of motivation, interest and aspirations regarding their learning and future of life, school and social maladjustment, etc. Poor school performance, represented by grades 5 and 6, obtained by students is a poor result, although it offers promotability. Specialists in education, but also those of UNESCO, appreciate that the grades of 5 and 6 obtained by some pupils mean - school half-failure. Based on this scheme, the success / failure of the school can be defined as expressing the degree of adequacy between the level of psychophysical development of the student and the objective requests addressed to them in the educational process. In detailing this paradigm we will say that school success (success in teaching) will designate the agreement that is established between the demands and the level of psychophysical development of the student, and school failure (failure, unsuccess, lagging behind in teaching) is an index of disagreement between these two poles. In this context, the phrase of objective requests condenses all the demands imposed from the outside, processed and ordered by the agents of the action (instructional-educational requirements materialized in the formulated objectives, socio-family conditions etc.).

performance, success, failure in school, student, family, school, education

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