Technical and technological peculiarities of meat industry development in the course of basic economic trends of innovative development of food industry in Ukraine
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KOVALENKO, Olga, YASHCHENKO, Lyudmila, LYSENKO, Hanna, VERBYTSKYI, Sergii. Technical and technological peculiarities of meat industry development in the course of basic economic trends of innovative development of food industry in Ukraine. In: The Scientific Journal of Cahul State University “Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu” Economic and Engineering Studies, 2018, nr. 1(3), pp. 53-60. ISSN 2587-313X.
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The Scientific Journal of Cahul State University “Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu” Economic and Engineering Studies
Numărul 1(3) / 2018 / ISSN 2587-313X /ISSNe 2587-3121

Technical and technological peculiarities of meat industry development in the course of basic economic trends of innovative development of food industry in Ukraine

CZU: 664.91(477)
JEL: L64, L66, O32

Pag. 53-60

Kovalenko Olga, Yashchenko Lyudmila, Lysenko Hanna, Verbytskyi Sergii
Institute of Food Resources of NAAS of Ukraine
Disponibil în IBN: 27 octombrie 2018


The actual state and prospects of innovative activity in food, in particular meat, industry are considered. The innovative potential of the food industry in Ukraine is shown to grow more dynamically than that of other sectors of domestic industrial production and an urgent need to implement innovative measures aimed at modernizing technologies and equipment of food production is proven. It is substantiated that financially and technically reasonable innovative activity can and should sufficiently improve the current economic state of the meat industry in Ukraine. Meat industry is the most attractive in terms of return on investment and profitability of innovations among the sub-branches of food industry. The actual directions of innovative activity in the meat industry, as well as the probable ways of development of innovations in the short term, are described.

food industry,

Meat industry, meat, innovations, innovative potential, innovative activity,

meat processing technologies, meat production equipment.