A new paradigm of intergenerational collaboration
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SM ISO690:2012
MICUSHA, Dumitru, TODOROI, Dumitru, BARANESCU, Rodica, BUCUR, Vasile, CHICU, E, CHISTRUGA, Boris, COBAN, Marina, MATEI, Constantin, MIHALCEA, Radu, ŞIŞCAN, Nadejda, ŢURCANU, Viorel, GHINCULOV, Silvia, PÎŞCHINA, Tatiana, FILIP, Nolea. A new paradigm of intergenerational collaboration. In: Competitivitatea şi inovarea în economia cunoaşterii, 25-26 septembrie 2020, Chişinău. Chişinău Republica Moldova: Departamentul Editorial-Poligrafic al ASEM, 2020, Ediţia a 22-a , pp. 82-91. ISBN 978-9975-75-985-4.
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Competitivitatea şi inovarea în economia cunoaşterii
Ediţia a 22-a , 2020
Conferința "Competitivitate şi inovare în economia cunoaşterii"
Chişinău, Moldova, 25-26 septembrie 2020

A new paradigm of intergenerational collaboration

O nouă paradigmă de conlucrare intergenerațională.

JEL: B41, C15, D12, E70, J08

Pag. 82-91

Micusha Dumitru1, Todoroi Dumitru2, Baranescu Rodica2, Bucur Vasile2, Chicu E2, Chistruga Boris2, Coban Marina2, Matei Constantin2, Mihalcea Radu2, Şişcan Nadejda2, Ţurcanu Viorel2, Ghinculov Silvia2, Pîşchina Tatiana2, Filip Nolea2
1 Free International University of Moldova,
2 Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 26 noiembrie 2020


The transition of every man from one stage of activity in life to another is parallel to a more tense state of life. In particular this refers to the stages of transition to retirement: from a pre-retirement activity to another stage - retirement and from there to a third stage - post-retirement, are psychologically very loaded. It's not just the economic side, which is one of the most acute in our time in the space of the Republic of Moldova today. More important are the spheres, which relate to spirituality, intellectuality and sociality. The 8 hours of "personal" activity, which, apart from 8 hours required for sleep and 8 hours of activity in the production units, constitute a third of human life and are very important for each of us. The major objective of the Association "ASEM Seniors" is (a) analysis of the elderly contribution at society developments, (b) investigation of innovative social, economic, intellectual, spiritual and psychological problem-solving technologies of the elderly in (c) the conditions of accelerated ageing of society and (d) the usage of the labour force of the elderly in modern society. The following problems are highlighted in order to be addressed and implemented in enterprises and organizations and, first and foremost, in ASEM: (1) Use of the elderly workforce; (2) Continuity of elderly activity; (3) Improving the social, economic and psychological situation of the elderly; (4) Maintaining and developing the spirituality, intelligence and physique of the elderly; (5) Creation of intergenerational amicable society; (6) Implementation of intergenerational adaptability in ASEM. These issues of general interest need to be solved and implemented primarily in institutions, enterprises and organizations in the field of education, culture and research, one of the first institutions being the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova through the real involvement of the Association "ASEM Seniors". The research of the above problems and the implementation of the results obtained constitute the work evaluated within the Association "ASEM Seniors", a society of ASEM elders - persons with the title of employees, associates and affiliates of ASEM. The Association "ASEM Seniors" supports and implements the continuous life of all ASEM elders. A new life is envisaged to the elderly in ASEM through their affiliate activities within ASEM, being members of the Association "ASEM Seniors". The consecration of the Association "ASEM Seniors" is linked to the approval by the ASEM Senate of 24 December 2019, confirmed and formalized by the Order of the ASEM Rector of 2 January 2020. The current research results in the field of development of the well-being of the elderly through the evolution of the first steps of activity of the Association "ASEM Seniors" are presented and discussed.

association, elderly, association, affiliation, creativity, emotionality, temperament, sensuality, education, research, intelligence, morality, economics, psychology, robotics

Dublin Core Export

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<dc:creator>Micuşa, D.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Todoroi, D.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Bărănescu, R.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Bucur, V.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Chicu, E.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Chistruga, B.V.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Coban, M.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Matei, C.G.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Mihalcea, R.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Şişcan, N.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Ţurcanu, V.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Ghinculov, S.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Pîşchina, T.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Filip, N.</dc:creator>
<dc:description xml:lang='en'><p>The transition of every man from one stage of activity in life to another is parallel to a more tense state of life. In particular this refers to the stages of transition to retirement: from a pre-retirement activity to another stage - retirement and from there to a third stage - post-retirement, are psychologically very loaded. It&#39;s not just the economic side, which is one of the most acute in our time in the space of the Republic of Moldova today. More important are the spheres, which relate to spirituality, intellectuality and sociality. The 8 hours of &quot;personal&quot; activity, which, apart from 8 hours required for sleep and 8 hours of activity in the production units, constitute a third of human life and are very important for each of us. The major objective of the Association &quot;ASEM Seniors&quot; is (a) analysis of the elderly contribution at society developments, (b) investigation of innovative social, economic, intellectual, spiritual and psychological problem-solving technologies of the elderly in (c) the conditions of accelerated ageing of society and (d) the usage of the labour force of the elderly in modern society. The following problems are highlighted in order to be addressed and implemented in enterprises and organizations and, first and foremost, in ASEM: (1) Use of the elderly workforce; (2) Continuity of elderly activity; (3) Improving the social, economic and psychological situation of the elderly; (4) Maintaining and developing the spirituality, intelligence and physique of the elderly; (5) Creation of intergenerational amicable society; (6) Implementation of intergenerational adaptability in ASEM. These issues of general interest need to be solved and implemented primarily in institutions, enterprises and organizations in the field of education, culture and research, one of the first institutions being the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova through the real involvement of the Association &quot;ASEM Seniors&quot;. The research of the above problems and the implementation of the results obtained constitute the work evaluated within the Association &quot;ASEM Seniors&quot;, a society of ASEM elders - persons with the title of employees, associates and affiliates of ASEM. The Association &quot;ASEM Seniors&quot; supports and implements the continuous life of all ASEM elders. A new life is envisaged to the elderly in ASEM through their affiliate activities within ASEM, being members of the Association &quot;ASEM Seniors&quot;. The consecration of the Association &quot;ASEM Seniors&quot; is linked to the approval by the ASEM Senate of 24 December 2019, confirmed and formalized by the Order of the ASEM Rector of 2 January 2020. The current research results in the field of development of the well-being of the elderly through the evolution of the first steps of activity of the Association &quot;ASEM Seniors&quot; are presented and discussed.</p></dc:description>
<dc:source>Competitivitatea şi inovarea în economia cunoaşterii (Ediţia a 22-a ) 82-91</dc:source>
<dc:title>A new paradigm of intergenerational collaboration</dc:title>