
Afiliat la Institutul de Chimie
The role of triterpene compounds in stimulation of the selective biochemical hydrogen production
Covaliov Victor , Covaliova Olga , Bobeică Valentin
Achievements and perspectives of modern chemistry
2019. Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. Tipografia Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei. 167-167.
Disponibil online 7 November, 2019

2017 - 1

Intensified water treatment methods
Duca Gheorghe , Covaliova Olga
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
Ediția a 10-a, Vol. 502. 2017. Baku, Azerbaijan. Springer Verlag. 1041-1051.
Disponibil online 16 March, 2022

2015 - 2

A new method of cyancobalamin (vitamin b12) production and its practical uses
Covaliova Olga , Covaliov Victor , Duca Gheorghe , Nenno Vladimir , Bobeică Valentin
Physical Methods in Coordination and Supramolecular Chemistry
XVIII. 2015. Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. . 155-155.
Disponibil online 23 April, 2020
Modification of TiO2 particles nanostructure for photocatalytic applications
Covaliova Olga , Covaliov Victor , Duca Gheorghe
Physical Methods in Coordination and Supramolecular Chemistry
XVIII. 2015. Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. . 154-154.
Disponibil online 23 April, 2020

2005 - 2

Complementarity of the photo- and biodegradation processes for pollutants removal from the aquatic compartments: application to 2-aminobenzothiazole
Bunescu Andrei , Combourieu B. , Besse Pascale , Sancelme M , Dragalin Ion , Covaliova Olga , Cincilei Angela , Covaliov Victor , Guțu Jana , Traikia M. , Mailhot Gilles , Delort Anne Marie
Ecological Chemistry
3rd. 2005. Chișinău, Republica Moldova. Tipografia Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei. 86-87.
Disponibil online 2 September, 2021
Intensive biochemical processes of wastewater treatment with high caloricity biogas production
Duca Gheorghe , Covaliov Victor , Covaliova Olga
Mediul Ambiant
Nr. 1(18) / 2005 / ISSN 1810-9551
Disponibil online 14 March, 2023

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