Present Environment and Sustainable DevelopmentMedicină.
Dynamics of general incidents of the population in the northern development region and its dependence on environmental quality
Bulimaga Constantin, Bodrug Nicolae
Institute of Ecology and Geography
Present Environment and Sustainable Development
Ediția 16. 2021. Iași, România.
Health issues of the northern development region (Republic of Moldova)
Bunduc Petru
Institute of Ecology and Geography
Present Environment and Sustainable Development
Ediția 16. 2021. Iași, România.
The impact of SARS-CoV-2 on the Romanian penitentiary micro-society
Ardelianu Dan Vasile12, Grigore Elena1, Oprea Maria1, Bogan Elena1, Tatu Florina1
1 University of Bucharest,
2 Administraţia Naţională a Penitenciarelor
Present Environment and Sustainable Development
Ediția 17. 2022. Iași.

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