
Lista articolelor în limba engleza

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Afisarea articolelor: 141-160(299)

Drinking water quality monitoring in the the Republic of Moldova

. One Health and Risk Management. 2022, nr. 3(2S), 24-24. ISSN 2587-3458 ISSNe 2587-3466. (Cat. B)

Comparative assessment of water quality in the dniester and prut rivers

. One Health and Risk Management. 2022, nr. 3(2S), 25-25. ISSN 2587-3458 ISSNe 2587-3466. (Cat. B)

Comparative study of the drinking water quality assessed from several water sources of the Republic of Moldova

. One Health and Risk Management. 2022, nr. 3(2S), 26-26. ISSN 2587-3458 ISSNe 2587-3466. (Cat. B)

Water-related problems of the rural population from Iasi county

. One Health and Risk Management. 2022, nr. 3(2S), 27-27. ISSN 2587-3458 ISSNe 2587-3466. (Cat. B)

„Phage treatment and wetland technology as intervention strategy to prevent dissemination of antibiotic resistance in surface waters” - a project launch in low-middle income countries of eastern europe

. One Health and Risk Management. 2022, nr. 3(2S), 28-28. ISSN 2587-3458 ISSNe 2587-3466. (Cat. B)

Undergrountd water potabilization using physical, physico-chemical and chemical proceses

. One Health and Risk Management. 2022, nr. 3(2S), 29-29. ISSN 2587-3458 ISSNe 2587-3466. (Cat. B)

Quality of groundwater used for human consumption

. One Health and Risk Management. 2022, nr. 3(2S), 30-30. ISSN 2587-3458 ISSNe 2587-3466. (Cat. B)

Technological features of iodized water production

. One Health and Risk Management. 2022, nr. 3(2S), 31-31. ISSN 2587-3458 ISSNe 2587-3466. (Cat. B)

Antibiotics and antibiotic resistant genes in water - environmental and human health risks

. One Health and Risk Management. 2022, nr. 3(2S), 32-32. ISSN 2587-3458 ISSNe 2587-3466. (Cat. B)

The role of boron for human body

. One Health and Risk Management. 2022, nr. 3(2S), 33-33. ISSN 2587-3458 ISSNe 2587-3466. (Cat. B)

Water quality reflects health

. One Health and Risk Management. 2022, nr. 3(2S), 34-34. ISSN 2587-3458 ISSNe 2587-3466. (Cat. B)

Using water fasting to reduce bmi in people with obesity and type 2 diabetes

. One Health and Risk Management. 2022, nr. 3(2S), 35-35. ISSN 2587-3458 ISSNe 2587-3466. (Cat. B)

Surveilling the SARS-CoV-2 in sewage: the catalan case

. One Health and Risk Management. 2022, nr. 3(2S), 36-36. ISSN 2587-3458 ISSNe 2587-3466. (Cat. B)

Communication and raising public awareness in promoting drinking water safety, hygiene and health

. One Health and Risk Management. 2022, nr. 3(2S), 37-37. ISSN 2587-3458 ISSNe 2587-3466. (Cat. B)

The relationship between the wastewater treatment process resulting from the activity of medical institutions and the maintenance of a healthy and safe environment

. One Health and Risk Management. 2022, nr. 3(2S), 38-38. ISSN 2587-3458 ISSNe 2587-3466. (Cat. B)

Implementating the water safety planning in the Republic of Moldova

. One Health and Risk Management. 2022, nr. 3(2S), 39-39. ISSN 2587-3458 ISSNe 2587-3466. (Cat. B)

E-health: evaluation of the implementation of the personal electronic health record by family doctors in Greece

. One Health and Risk Management. 2022, nr. 3(2), 10-4. ISSN 2587-3458 ISSNe 2587-3466. (Cat. B)

The role of the board of directors in the institutional strategic process within public hospitals

. One Health and Risk Management. 2022, nr. 3(2), 17-11. ISSN 2587-3458 ISSNe 2587-3466. (Cat. B)

Modification of oxidative stress indices in cultures of pathogenic microorganisms under the influence of novel chemical compounds

. One Health and Risk Management. 2022, nr. 3(2), 31-24. ISSN 2587-3458 ISSNe 2587-3466. (Cat. B)

One Health for better world and better public health

. One Health and Risk Management. 2022, nr. 3(1), 3-3. ISSN 2587-3458 ISSNe 2587-3466. (Cat. B)

141-160 of 299