Reforming the agricultural land market: EU experience for Ukraine
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332.72:63(477+4) (1)
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SM ISO690:2012
CHYGRYN, Olena, IVAKHNENKO, Olena. Reforming the agricultural land market: EU experience for Ukraine. In: Center for Studies in European Integration Working Papers Series, 2018, nr. 10, pp. 17-29. ISSN -.
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Center for Studies in European Integration Working Papers Series
Numărul 10 / 2018 / ISSN - /ISSNe 2537-6187

Reforming the agricultural land market: EU experience for Ukraine

CZU: 332.72:63(477+4)

Pag. 17-29

Chygryn Olena, Ivakhnenko Olena
Sumy State University
Disponibil în IBN: 26 februarie 2019


The need to introduce a full-fledged land market is conditioned by the realities of today. Land, a significant component of the productive forces, is still not integrated into a civilized market exchange in Ukraine. The paper is devoted to the substantiation of the need to reform the agricultural land market in Ukraine. The state of the agricultural land market in Ukraine is analyzed. The author emphasizes that in this connection the creation and functioning of a civilized agricultural land market requires the strengthening of state regulation in this area. It can stop not only the agrarian crisis, but also the economic crisis in general. The main features of the land market in other European countries are described. The author emphasizes that the EU has vast experience in this area that Ukraine can use to reform the agricultural land market. The author emphasizes that before removing the moratorium a number of problems related to the introduction of the land market in Ukraine have to be solved.

Land market, rational land use, Land relations, management, moratorium, agrarian nature management.

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