The Correlation between Mental Training and the Evolution of Individual Performance
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SM ISO690:2012
DROSESCU, Paula, ABALAŞEI, Beatrice Aurelia, HONCERIU, Cezar, TROFIN, Florin. The Correlation between Mental Training and the Evolution of Individual Performance. In: 4th Central and Eastern European LUMEN International Scientific Conference on Education, Sport and Health, 29-30 septembrie 2017, Iași. Iași, România: LUMEN Conference Center, 2017, pp. 87-90.
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4th Central and Eastern European LUMEN International Scientific Conference on Education, Sport and Health 2017
Conferința "4th Central and Eastern European LUMEN International Scientific Conference on Education, Sport and Health"
Iași, Romania, 29-30 septembrie 2017

The Correlation between Mental Training and the Evolution of Individual Performance

Pag. 87-90

Drosescu Paula, Abalaşei Beatrice Aurelia, Honceriu Cezar, Trofin Florin
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi
Disponibil în IBN: 27 decembrie 2018


Mental training is an important component of general training, which contributes to the increase of individual performance and perfecting the execution of motor acts. Its purpose is to form representations, with the help of the motor intelligence, through which the processed movement, which resembles its design, can be adapted to concrete athletic tasks. Aside from the fact that the adaptation occurs in record time, it also helps find alternatives to the motor situations, which are strategic in an athletic environment, based on motor schemes and ideomotor representations updated in a short time and in agreement with the action. The investigative research that we have initiated aims to highlight the connection between motor performance and mental training and identify a simplified formula for mental training that can be applied in the times when the athlete loses focus, or in the breaks of a game. The ideomotor technique applied to the subjects was innovative, the results of the research supporting the idea of performance achieved through this type of training, as an important part of  the athletes' evolution. Thereby, after applying the mental training program, the explosive force of the subjects of our research has significantly increased, this being obvious in both groups of subjects – and, moreover, the results can validate the technique of applying this type of intervention in favor of athletic performance.

Antrenamentul mental este o componentă importantă a antrenamentului general, contribuind la creşterea performanţei individuale şi la perfecţionarea execuţiei acţiunilor motrice. Rolul lui este de a forma reprezentări, cu ajutorul inteligenţei motrice, prin intermediul cărora mişcarea prelucrată, apropiată de model, se adaptează sarcinilor sportive concrete. Pe lângă faptul că adaptarea se realizează în timp record, se găsesc şi alternative la situaţiile motrice, strategice din spaţiul sportiv, pe baza schemelor motorii şi a reprezentărilor ideomotorii reactualizate în timp scurt şi în acord cu acţiunea. Demersul investigativ iniţiat doreşte să evidenţieze legătura dintre performanţa motrică şi antrenamentul mental şi să identifice o formulă simplificată de antrenament mental care să poată fi aplicată în momentele în care sportivul îşi pierde concentrarea, ori în pauzele meciurilor. Tehnica ideomotorie aplicată subiecţilor a fost novatoare, rezultatele cercetării susţinând ideea de performanţă prin acest tip de antrenament, ca parte importantă a evoluţiei sportivilor. Astfel, în urma aplicării programului de antrenament mental, forţa explozivă a subiecţilor cercetării noastre a crescut semnificativ, acest lucru fiind evident la ambele grupe de lucru şi mai mult, rezultatele pot valida tehnica de aplicare a acestui tip de intervenţie în favoarea performanţei sportive.

mental training, (self-) motivation, jumps, cardiac frequency, visualization, performance

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<meta name="citation_author" content="Trofin Florin">
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