Implementation of information retrieval system in the scientific library of Riga Technical University and other libraries
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2022-05-21 15:11
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025.4.036(474.3) (1)
Librarianship (701)
SM ISO690:2012
БРАЖЕ, Линда, ЛЕВИНОКА, Лариса, КРАУЗЕ, Сармите. Внедрение системы поиска информации в научной библиотеке Рижского Технического Университета и других библиотеках Латвии. In: MISISQ: Implicare. Creativitate. Durabilitate, 27-28 septembrie 2018, Chisinau. Chisinau, Republica Moldova: Biblioteca Ştiinţifică Medicală USMF „N. Testemiţanu”, 2018, pp. 59-64. ISBN 978-9975-50-226-9.
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Google Scholar

Dublin Core
MISISQ: Implicare. Creativitate. Durabilitate 2018
Conferința "MISISQ: Implicare. Creativitate. Durabilitate"
Chisinau, Moldova, 27-28 septembrie 2018

Implementation of information retrieval system in the scientific library of Riga Technical University and other libraries

Внедрение системы поиска информации в научной библиотеке Рижского Технического Университета и других библиотеках Латвии

CZU: 025.4.036(474.3)

Pag. 59-64

Браже Линда, Левинока Лариса, Краузе Сармите
Рижский технический университет
Disponibil în IBN: 19 noiembrie 2018


In the article the author tells  about use the shared catalog of university libraries. In more detail, the author highlights the experience of the scientific library of the Riga Technical University. Also, the author describes the stages of the implementation of the system, the extensive search capabilities of the electronic catalog and the problems associated with the configuration of the system and the need to train users to search in the ec.

information retrieval systems, aleph 500, shared catalog PRIMO, electronic catalog search capabilities, primo advantages, authorization in the electronic catalog,

user training