Particularitățile raportului stres-inteligență socială
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2024-06-25 08:47
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159.942+316.61 (8)
Psychology (3518)
Social psychology (1002)
SM ISO690:2012
ILICCIEV, Maxim. Particularitățile raportului stres-inteligență socială. In: Perspectivele şi Problemele Integrării în Spaţiul European al Cercetării şi Educaţiei, 7 iunie 2017, Cahul. Cahul: Tipografia „CentroGrafic” SRL, Cahul, 2017, Vol.2, pp. 93-97. ISBN 978-9975-88-019-0. 978-9975-88-021-3.
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Dublin Core
Perspectivele şi Problemele Integrării în Spaţiul European al Cercetării şi Educaţiei
Vol.2, 2017
Conferința "Perspectivele şi Problemele Integrării în Spaţiul European al Cercetării şi Educaţiei"
Cahul, Moldova, 7 iunie 2017

Particularitățile raportului stres-inteligență socială

CZU: 159.942+316.61

Pag. 93-97

Ilicciev Maxim
Universitatea de Stat „Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu“, Cahul
Disponibil în IBN: 27 decembrie 2017


When, calm yourself, people are co-implicated in a difficult situation with another who is stressed, they perceive his stress as dramatization, panic, loss of control, retreat, sense of priorities, lack of maturity, of lucidity. At the same time, it arouses compassion, empathy and solidarity among people, rather than a judgment. In any case, they feel the other as lessened, sometimes disturbing, even dangerous: bad decisions, brutality or approximation of gestures, aggressiveness, even violence.  Social intelligence should help people handle stress better, for several reasons. There are four parts to SI: self-awareness, self-management, empathy and social skill. Self-awareness can help people notice when they are becoming stressed, which in turn make they better able to calm down before other reaction builds to an unmanageable level. Empathy and social skill should allow people to be more effective in how they express yourselfŔincluding knowing how and when to be candid.

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