Comparison of the maximal inaccuracies for two experiments
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SM ISO690:2012
KOLIKOV, Kiril, EPITROPOV, Yordan, KOLEVA, Radka, CORLAT, Andrei. Comparison of the maximal inaccuracies for two experiments. In: Computer Science Journal of Moldova, 2017, nr. 2(74), pp. 226-244. ISSN 1561-4042.
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Computer Science Journal of Moldova
Numărul 2(74) / 2017 / ISSN 1561-4042 /ISSNe 2587-4330

Comparison of the maximal inaccuracies for two experiments
CZU: 519.2

Pag. 226-244

Kolikov Kiril1, Epitropov Yordan1, Koleva Radka2, Corlat Andrei3
1 Plovdiv University „Paisii Hilendarski”,
2 University of Food Technologies,
3 Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science ASM
Disponibil în IBN: 14 august 2017


In this paper we refine and generalize some previous our results on the inaccuracy (error) theory. We define conditions, which characterize different types of functions. Via these functions an indirectly measurable variable Y can be analytically represented. We also present criteria for comparison of the maximal absolute and relative inaccuracies of the indirectly measurable variable Y in the first and in the second order for two experiments. We correct some of our previous conclusions regarding the application of the dimensionless scale for evaluation of the quality of an experiment. Furthermore we give two numerical contra examples.

Indirectly measurable variable, maximal absolute inaccuracy, maximal relative inaccuracy, dimensionless scale