“Biblioteca Naţională este memoria vitală, una din rădăcinile principale pe care se ţine arborele unei naţiuni...” Convorbire cu dna Milagros del Corral, doctor în filosofie, director general al Bibliotecii Naţionale a Spaniei
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SM ISO690:2012
RĂU, Alexei. “Biblioteca Naţională este memoria vitală, una din rădăcinile principale pe care se ţine arborele unei naţiuni...” Convorbire cu dna Milagros del Corral, doctor în filosofie, director general al Bibliotecii Naţionale a Spaniei . In: Magazin bibliologic, 2011, nr. 1-2, pp. 7-12. ISSN 1857-1476.
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Magazin bibliologic
Numărul 1-2 / 2011 / ISSN 1857-1476

“Biblioteca Naţională este memoria vitală, una din rădăcinile principale pe care se ţine arborele unei naţiuni...” Convorbire cu dna Milagros del Corral, doctor în filosofie, director general al Bibliotecii Naţionale a Spaniei

Pag. 7-12

Rău Alexei
Biblioteca Naţională a Republicii Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 21 iulie 2017


From the very beginning of its establishment, when it was called the Royal Library (founded in 1711 by King Philip V), it was designed as a library, museum and archive; that is it was created after the tripartite model of the Library of Alexandria. It has remained as such till nowadays. Moreover, being relocated in 1896 at the Palace of National Library and Museums built by Queen, it enhanced the collaboration with the museums located there, especially with the Prado Museum in a way that made it a kind of Spain Alexandria. That attested everything. Speaking about the impact of new technologies, I would like to emphasize in particular two aspects of this process, which are fundamental in my opinion. Primo: the current implementation of new technologies does not modify the basic functions of the National Library and other libraries. The conservative, communicative, informative and other functions form the functional core, or, as philosophers say, the hard core of library functionality. But these functions are performed more efficiently and at a more advanced qualitative level when they are refurbished. Efficiency, quality, and freshness are points of attraction, so to speak. And some subfunctions, for example the scriptorial one, undergo a spectacular revival: it is clear that the possibilities of the current scanners and copiers surpass immeasurably the ancient writers’ possibilities. Secundo: the implementation of new technologies in a national library should have an impact first of all on the objectives, work processes and operations specific to an institution of this kind and rank. Conservation, study and safeguarding of cultural heritage by means of new technologies should be the main trend. But other operational directions have also to be refurbished, especially those that relates to the memorial missions of the institution.