Inflammatory pathologies of genitalia in girls and adolescents
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[618.1+616.64]-002-07-053.6 (1)
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Pathology of the urogenital system. Urinary and sexual (genital) complaints. Urology (414)
SM ISO690:2012
PROFIRE, Liliana. Inflammatory pathologies of genitalia in girls and adolescents. In: Curierul Medical, 2016, nr. 6(59), pp. 41-46. ISSN 1875-0666.
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Curierul Medical
Numărul 6(59) / 2016 / ISSN 1875-0666

Inflammatory pathologies of genitalia in girls and adolescents
CZU: [618.1+616.64]-002-07-053.6

Pag. 41-46

Profire Liliana
”Nicolae Testemițanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy
Disponibil în IBN: 3 ianuarie 2017


Background: Children and adolescents are a group of population that represents 1/3 of territorial population with specific biological peculiarities of age, activity, health and morbidity. Professional medical assistance given to the young generation ensures for subsequent generations a nice and healthy future. Material and methods: The present study is non-experimental, of a descriptive type with a general group of 400 patients hospitalized during 2014 in the department of pediatric gynecology. Statistical processing was performed using the program ≪Epiinfo 2002≫ and the program ≪ Microsoft Office Excel 2010≫. Results: According to the obtained results within the study the inflammatory diseases of genitals were most frequently diagnosed – 263 cases (65.8Ѓ}2.37%), the majority of which 254 (96.6 Ѓ}1.11%) of a non-specific genesis and 9 cases (3.4Ѓ}1.11%) bacterial infections of specific genesis, P<0.001. In half of the investigated cases 108 (52.7Ѓ}3.48%) there have been cultivated combinations of pathogens, the most frequently determined being: E. coli corinebacterium, E. coli corinebacterium Enterococcus fecalis, or Corinebacterium St. Viridans, Streptoccoccus saprophyticus corinebacterium. From the total number of non-specific inflammatory diseases prevail inflammatory diseases of external and inferior internal genitals 169 (66.5Ѓ}2.96%), P<0.001 – vulvovaginitys: acute vulvovaginitys, chronic relapsing vulvovaginitys with a maximum share in the age group 1-4 years old 68 (40.2Ѓ}3.79%). Contrary to the distribution of inflammatory diseases of the inferior and external genital tract, the inflammatory diseases of the upper genitals increase with the advancement in age of the patients involved in the study with a maximum rate in the group of adolescents of 16-19 years old (55.4Ѓ}5.47%), P<0.001. Conclusions: An increase of the inflammatory processes of genitals in the age groups 1-4 (22.3%) and 16-19 (25.8%) was determined. A maximum share of inflammatory diseases of inferior genitals was determined in patients aged 1-7 and inflammatory diseases of the upper genital tract in the period of adolescence – 14-19 years old.

girls, adolescents, inflammatory process