Customary law basis for workforce employment in Ukrainian village: historical and legal aspects
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349.22(477-22) (1)
Special branches of law. Miscellaneous legal matters (995)
SM ISO690:2012
KUZNETSOVA, Lyudmila. Customary law basis for workforce employment in Ukrainian village: historical and legal aspects. In: Legea şi Viaţa, 2016, nr. 11/2(299), pp. 62-64. ISSN 2587-4365.
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Legea şi Viaţa
Numărul 11/2(299) / 2016 / ISSN 2587-4365 /ISSNe 2587-4373

Customary law basis for workforce employment in Ukrainian village: historical and legal aspects
CZU: 349.22(477-22)

Pag. 62-64

Kuznetsova Lyudmila
East European University of Economics and Management, Cherkasy
Disponibil în IBN: 20 noiembrie 2016


On the article of theoretical research deals with the regulation of rural labor under customary law. The effect of the common principles of labor activity of the Ukrainian people. Opened the value of labor in the rites of the peasant life. Described procedure is the conclusion of employment contracts in the normal legal relationships.

В статье на основе теоретических исследований рассматриваются вопросы регулирования сельского труда по обычному праву. Установлено влияние обычных основ трудовой деятельности украинского народа. Раскрыто значение трудовых обрядов в жизни крестьянина. Охарактеризована процедура заключения трудовых договоров в обычных правоотношениях.

custom, tradition, agreement,

peasant labor, labor cooperation, personnel recruitment