Repere cultural-simbolice ale procesului de identificare naţională
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SM ISO690:2012
MÎNĂSCURTĂ, Cezar. Repere cultural-simbolice ale procesului de identificare naţională . In: Moldoscopie, 2014, nr. 1(64), pp. 70-86. ISSN 1812-2566.
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Numărul 1(64) / 2014 / ISSN 1812-2566 /ISSNe 2587-4063

Repere cultural-simbolice ale procesului de identificare naţională

Pag. 70-86

Mînăscurtă Cezar
Universitatea de Studii Politice şi Economice Europene „Constantin Stere”
Disponibil în IBN: 15 mai 2014


In this article it is investigated one of the main functional aspects of the political symbolysm – the national identification process through identificational cultural matrix, the component part of uhigh are the symbols, the myths and the political rituals, in order to answer to the vital needs of the existence and pro-per function of a society and a state. Genesis, the creation and identificationt through the culture and the symbols to the different nations represents a long historical process with many levels in which you have to take into account three important parameters (space, time, human criteria (ethnic and interethnic communications), uhigh went along with the constituation and evaluation of the national conscience, these proces-ses being divided into two historical stages – the prenational stage and national stage. At the prenational stage, until the modern epoch, it had take place a slow and continual accumulation of the ethnocultural symbolistic fund, this being the „incubation” process, that had a spontaneous character, but at the national stage, when the nations began to constitute as human community in a general plan, a symbolic significance was the fact that the spread of the symbolistic turned out from a spontaneous process in an organized process. The collective creation result of the national symbols while it is not a single matrix but a kind of kit under the „do-it-yourself”, a series of disclaimers of national soul and a set of processess required to elaborate them, yet it can be identified to all nations so-called „matrix identification”. Through this matrix, the political symbolism, especially the national-state symbols are presented as an extremely valuable, capable to influence the size of the irrational in this area. It belongs to the nation, it is to be simultaneously both a citizen of the democratic state as one of the heirs of cultural heritage included symbolical, common and indivisible that must be known and respected.

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<dc:creator>Mînăscurtă, C.</dc:creator>
<dc:description xml:lang='en'>In this article it is investigated one of the main functional aspects of the political symbolysm – the national identification process through identificational cultural matrix, the component part of uhigh are the symbols, the myths and the political rituals, in order to answer to the vital needs of the existence and pro-per function of a society and a state. Genesis, the creation and identificationt through the culture and the symbols to the different nations represents a long historical process with many levels in which you have to take into account three important parameters (space, time, human criteria (ethnic and interethnic communications), uhigh went along with the constituation and evaluation of the national conscience, these proces-ses being divided into two historical stages – the prenational stage and national stage.
At the prenational stage, until the modern epoch, it had take place a slow and continual accumulation of the ethnocultural symbolistic fund, this being the „incubation” process, that had a spontaneous character, but at the national stage, when the nations began to constitute as human community in a general plan, a symbolic significance was the fact that the spread of the symbolistic turned out from a spontaneous process in an organized process. The collective creation result of the national symbols while it is not a single matrix but a kind of kit under the „do-it-yourself”, a series of disclaimers of national soul and a set of processess required to elaborate them, yet it can be identified to all nations so-called „matrix identification”. Through this matrix, the political symbolism, especially the national-state symbols are presented as an extremely valuable, capable to influence the size of the irrational in this area. It belongs to the nation, it is to be simultaneously both a citizen of the democratic state as one of the heirs of cultural heritage included symbolical, common and indivisible that must be known and respected.</dc:description>
<dc:source>Moldoscopie 64 (1) 70-86</dc:source>
<dc:title>Repere cultural-simbolice ale procesului de identificare naţională </dc:title>