Aspecte vesele şi triste în unele traduceri din rusă în română
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811.161.1'253=811.135.1 (1)
East Slavic / Slavonic languages (373)
SM ISO690:2012
BUTNARU, Leo. Aspecte vesele şi triste în unele traduceri din rusă în română. In: Intertext , 2014, nr. 1-2(30), pp. 28-36. ISSN 1857-3711.
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Dublin Core
Numărul 1-2(30) / 2014 / ISSN 1857-3711 /ISSNe 2345-1750

Aspecte vesele şi triste în unele traduceri din rusă în română
CZU: 811.161.1'253=811.135.1

Pag. 28-36

Butnaru Leo
Uniunea Scriitorilor din România
Disponibil în IBN: 30 aprilie 2014


Unfortunately, simulacra, supposed to be translations, which condemned the creation of great Russian authors are not few. In my practice as a translator, and a reader, I came across real massacres that have undergone some texts of Marina Tsvetaeva, Anna Akhmatova, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Velimir Hlebnikov, the authors of our contemporary " immediate ". Some translations are so bizarre because those who dared to bring into Romanian works of great Russian authors simply do not know the proper language they are translating. They even seem to have no vocation or spiritual endowment appropriate for literary translation. That doomed poetry of great authors has nothing in common not only with the original, but by itself with what is called Literature. Plus the translation needs not only linguistic knowledge but also general education, that some brave graphomania dozen lack. Sometimes it is amazing how much problems have in the knowledge of the Russian language, and how irresponsible are those proceeding to address outstanding texts entered the classic literature. Not knowing perfectly Russian language, lazing the open dictionaries, they make mistakes both in transposition of meanings and stylistic aspect. So these seem to be some translators ... happy , carefree , rather than passive, giving us samples ... true works of monstrous desecration. It is obvious that these " brave " translators are actually some irresponsible people that can’t address the artistic act of translation as a coherent and dont have special knowledge in various aspects - linguistic, literary (artistic ), historic, cultural, aesthetic and philosophical that are involved in the mutual recreation of two semantic systems. They did not understand nor have the training necessary to understand that the translation means creation in language, through language, a constructive process based on a project - that of the original. Moreover, there are critics alleged, that manufacture "translators" biographies of creation, change them, label them with the highest titles which actually only true masters in the field can have.

great Russian authors, translator and reader practice, mutual-creator, masters in the field

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