Singularitatea şi singurătatea lui Vasile Coroban
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SM ISO690:2012
BURLACU, Alexandru. Singularitatea şi singurătatea lui Vasile Coroban. In: Metaliteratură, 2012, nr. 3-4(30), pp. 27-33. ISSN 1857-1905.
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Numărul 3-4(30) / 2012 / ISSN 1857-1905

Singularitatea şi singurătatea lui Vasile Coroban

Pag. 27-33

Burlacu Alexandru
Institutul de Filologie al AŞM
Disponibil în IBN: 29 iulie 2013


The idea of the national specificity, which was so much deformed and mutilated, has persisted in spite of dogma and thanks to the activity of some daring personalities who refuse collaborationism. One of those personalities is Vasile Coroban, a man of distinguished culture, who remained in the people’s memory not only due to his works, but also because of the famous persecutions he underwent even by the writers who postpone to testify or to convict.

Vasile Coroban,

reviewer, national specificity, collaborationism

DataCite XML Export

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<title xml:lang='ro'>Singularitatea şi singurătatea lui Vasile Coroban</title>
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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'>The idea of the national specificity, which was so much deformed and mutilated, has persisted in spite of dogma and thanks to the activity of some daring personalities who refuse collaborationism. One of those personalities is Vasile Coroban, a man of distinguished culture, who remained in the people’s memory not only due to his works, but also because of the famous persecutions he underwent even by the writers who postpone to testify or to convict.</description>