Authenticity in the context of the new cultural paradigm
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2024-03-28 10:54
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316.74 (126)
Sociology of culture. Cultural context of social life (812)
SM ISO690:2012
DMITRIC, Ecaterina. Authenticity in the context of the new cultural paradigm. In: International Conference in Applied Ethics and Integrity in Doctoral Conduct and Research, 4-5 noiembrie 2022, Suceava. Suceava, România: 2022, p. 10.
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International Conference in Applied Ethics and Integrity in Doctoral Conduct and Research 2022
Conferința "International Conference in Applied Ethics and Integrity in Doctoral Conduct and Research"
Suceava, Romania, 4-5 noiembrie 2022

Authenticity in the context of the new cultural paradigm

CZU: 316.74

Pag. 10-10

Dmitric Ecaterina
Moldova State University
Disponibil în IBN: 8 februarie 2024


The vulnerability of today’s society is marked by the crisis of culture, thus life itself is affected, all its values are shaken, not only aesthetics, but also the ethics and the sacred and with them the possibility of living every day in a conscious way. Through culture, man modifies himself and he reaches higher forms of achievement and perfection in order to increase himself. The meaning of culture starts from values, from the relationship between fellow beings and the way we understand ourselves. Man has a way of “being” that must be authentic through the prism of Dasein that reveals a true essence, the relational attitude with others, self-transcendence, assuming freedom and self-awareness. The understanding of the man’s crisis, which diminishes aspects related to being and essence, did not brought him back to existence, stability and totality. The most important forms of the manifestation of this crisis are the dominance of the material over the spiritual, of society over the individual. From this perspective, the meaning of authenticity can be explained by man’s tendency to lose himself in everyday concerns, thus missing his unique possibilities and “authentic” existence. Therefore, authenticity on its in turn becomes a human quality that gets lost in consumerism, but at the same time, it becomes a way to return to the origins.

authenticity, culture, society