The semantic and etymological analysis of the lexical-semantic field of intellectual traits
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SM ISO690:2012
NEGRU, Cristina. The semantic and etymological analysis of the lexical-semantic field of intellectual traits. In: Identities in Globalisation. Intercultural Perspectives: Social Sciences, 11-12 septembrie 2020, Tîrgu Mureş,. Tîrgu Mureş, România: The Alpha Institute for Multicultural Studies, 2020, Ediția a 7-a, Socs, pp. 266-274. ISBN 978-606-8624-10-5.
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Identities in Globalisation. Intercultural Perspectives
Ediția a 7-a, Socs, 2020
Conferința "Identities in Globalisation. Intercultural Perspectives"
Tîrgu Mureş,, Romania, 11-12 septembrie 2020

The semantic and etymological analysis of the lexical-semantic field of intellectual traits

Pag. 266-274

Negru Cristina
Institutul de Filologie Română „Bogdan Petriceicu-Hasdeu”
Disponibil în IBN: 16 august 2023


vThe study aims to determine the concept of semantic field that reflects a certain part of our world and reveals the semantic peculiarities of the lexical units. The structure of the lexical-semantic filed is complex, for example, one of the concepts in our analysis according to the filed principle is the arhilexem that is called the dominant that gives the field its name. The dominant forms the nucleus of the semantic filed. In this study we will analyze the microfiled of positive intellectual characteristics and the microfiled of negative intellectual characteristics.

semnatic filed, dominant, characteristic, lexicon, nucleus

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<dc:creator>Negru, C.</dc:creator>
<dc:description xml:lang='en'><p>vThe study aims to determine the concept of semantic field that reflects a certain part of our world and reveals the semantic peculiarities of the lexical units. The structure of the lexical-semantic filed is complex, for example, one of the concepts in our analysis according to the filed principle is the arhilexem that is called the dominant that gives the field its name. The dominant forms the nucleus of the semantic filed. In this study we will analyze the microfiled of positive intellectual characteristics and the microfiled of negative intellectual characteristics.</p></dc:description>
<dc:source>Identities in Globalisation. Intercultural Perspectives (Ediția a 7-a, Socs) 266-274</dc:source>
<dc:subject>semnatic filed</dc:subject>
<dc:title>The semantic and etymological analysis of the lexical-semantic field of intellectual traits</dc:title>