Etapele de realizare a unei lucrari stiintifice in rezidentiat
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SM ISO690:2012
REVENCU, Sergiu, ROJNOVEANU, Gheorghe, STRELŢOV, Liuba, CONDREA, Adriana, BESCHIERU, Eugeniu. Etapele de realizare a unei lucrari stiintifice in rezidentiat. In: Chirurgia (București, Romania), 2023, vol. 118, nr. R, pp. 238-239. ISSN 1221-9118.
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Chirurgia (București, Romania)
Volumul 118, Numărul R / 2023 / ISSN 1221-9118

Etapele de realizare a unei lucrari stiintifice in rezidentiat

The stages of realizing a scientific work in the residency

Pag. 238-239

Revencu Sergiu, Rojnoveanu Gheorghe, Strelţov Liuba, Condrea Adriana, Beschieru Eugeniu
Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu“
Disponibil în IBN: 29 iunie 2023


Introducere: Programul de pregatire al medicului - rezident constituie o prioritate didactica esentiala in cultivarea de cunostinte teoretice si aptitudini profesionale temeinice ale viitorului medic specialist. Scopul: Expunerea metodologiei pregatirii rezidentului pentru o cercetare stiintifica. Material si metoda: Alegerea subiectului de cercetare la I-a etapa se face in comun cu mentorul de rezidentiat in concordanta cu problemele de interes ale clinicii. Exemplu: prezenta unui numar mare de iliostomii in ultimii ani. A II-a etapa impune cercetarea literaturii la subiect si prin prisma datelor selectate sunt stabilite scopul si obiectivele lucrarii. Etapa a III prevede studierea materialului propriu prin: alcatuirea unui chestionar, care va include toti parametrii clinico-paraclinici preconizati : varsta, sex, datele examenului fizic, datele examenului paraclinic, diagnosticul clinic, indicatiile tratamentului chirurgical si modalitatea tehnico-tactica intreprinsa (ex: 50 de cazuri de ileostomie). Ultimul pas constituie analiza rezultatelor datelor de ancheta incluse in tabele, prelucrate statistic si compararea acestora cu cele din literatura stiintifica de specialitate pentru a obtine concluzii cu un posibil impact in subiectul abordat. Concluzie: Aprofundarea in problema, cautarea de raspunsuri in surse literare la materialul propriu studiat, favorizeaza cresterea nivelului de cunostinte ale rezidentului, constituand unul din pilonii principali in etapa de pregatire a unui medic specialist. Aceste lucrari de multe ori releva probleme actuale in chirurgie precum si pot fi un punct de reper in initierea procesului de cercetare a tinerilor savanti.

Introduction: The resident doctor's training program is an essential didactic priority in the cultivation of theoretical knowledge and fundamental professional skills of the future specialist doctor. Purpose: Exposure of the resident's training methodology for a scientific research. Material and method: The choice of the research subject at the 1st stage is made jointly with the residency scientific leader in accordance with the clinic's issues of interest. (Example: the presence of a large number of iliostomies in recent years.) The second stage requires researching the literature on the subject and through the lens of the selected data, the purpose and objectives of the work are established. Stage III provides for the study of the own material by: compiling a questionnaire, which will include all expected clinical-paraclinical parameters: age, sex, physical examination data, paraclinical examination data, clinical diagnosis, indications for surgical treatment and the technical-tactical modality undertaken (ex: 50 cases of ileostomy). The last step is the analysis of the results of the survey data included in the tables, processed statistically and comparing them with those from the specialized scientific literature in order to obtain conclusions with a possible impact on the subject addressed. Conclusion: Delving deeper into the problem, looking for answers in literary sources to the own studied material, favors increasing the resident's level of knowledge, constituting one of the main pillars in the training stage of a specialist doctor. These works often reveal current problems in surgery and can be a landmark in initiating the research process of young scientists.

rezidenți, cercetare, lucrare științifică,

residents, research, scientific work

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