The effect of 3 month cardio bosu exercises on some motoric, physical and physiological parameters in sedentary women
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2023-06-15 22:48
SM ISO690:2012
MINE, Turgut, ÇINAR, Vedat, TANER, Akbulut, İMAMOĞLU, Osman. The effect of 3 month cardio bosu exercises on some motoric, physical and physiological parameters in sedentary women. In: Book of Abstracts: "Sports, education, culture - interdisciplinary approaches in scientific research", 26-27 mai 2017, Galaţi. Galați: 2017, Ediția 3, pp. 103-104. ISSN 2457-3094.
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Book of Abstracts
Ediția 3, 2017
Conferința "International Scientific Conference "
Galaţi, Moldova, 26-27 mai 2017

The effect of 3 month cardio bosu exercises on some motoric, physical and physiological parameters in sedentary women

Pag. 103-104

Mine Turgut1, Çınar Vedat2, Taner Akbulut2, İmamoğlu Osman3
1 Bartın University, Turkey,
2 Firat University,
3 Ondokuz Mayis University, Samsun
Disponibil în IBN: 11 mai 2023


Purpose: In this study, the effect of Cardio Bosu exercises which applied to sedentary women for three months, on some motor, physical and physiological characteristics were investigated. Method: In the study group, 60 sedentary women with a mean age of 35,80 ± 7,4 and a mean height of 163,98 ± 5,7 participated as volunteer. Before and after the exercise program, body weight, blood values, flexibility, hand grip strength, range jump and body composition values were measured. SPSS package program was used for the analysis of the data and the difference between the pre-test, post-test measurements was determined by Wilcoxon test. Results:The fat percentage was 30.51% at the first measurement before Cardio Bosu exercises, and 27.84% at the last measurement. Between the first measurement and the second measurement, the decrease in fat percentage and fat mass as well as the increase in lean body mass were found significant (p<0.001). There was no significant difference in body weight, body mass index and body fluid ratio (p>0,05). At the end of three months of exercise, the decrease in waist and hip circumference measurements was significant (p<0,001).There was a significant difference in cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL and LDL values between the first measurement and the second measurement after 3 months of exercise (p<0,05). There was also a significant increase in hand grip strength, flexibility and jump ( p<0,001). Conclusion: In sedentary women, 3-month Cardio Bosu exercises showed a decrease in fat percentage and a decrease in waist and hip circumference with an increase in lean mass. In midaged sedentary women, a positive affect in blood lipid values and motor characteristics were also found. As a result, it can be suggested that sedentary women are encouraged to do cardio Bosu exercises.

bosu, sedentary, Physical fitness

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<meta name="citation_author" content="Mine Turgut">
<meta name="citation_author" content="Çınar Vedat">
<meta name="citation_author" content="Taner Akbulut">
<meta name="citation_author" content="İmamoğlu Osman">
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