Typology of Presentations as a Speech Genre in Business Communication
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81’26 (2)
Linguistics and languages (5176)
SM ISO690:2012
NGUYEN, Thi Giang. Typology of Presentations as a Speech Genre in Business Communication. In: Актуальные проблемы лингвистики и лингводидактики в контексте современных подходов, Ed. 1, 24 noiembrie 2011, Комрат). Комрат: НИЦ Гагаузии, 2011, Ediția 1, pp. 245-249. ISBN 978-9975-4050-9-6.
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Актуальные проблемы лингвистики и лингводидактики в контексте современных подходов
Ediția 1, 2011
Conferința "Актуальные проблемы лингвистики и лингводидактики в контексте современных подходов"
1, Комрат), Moldova, 24 noiembrie 2011

Typology of Presentations as a Speech Genre in Business Communication

CZU: 81’26

Pag. 245-249

Nguyen Thi Giang
Pushkin Institute of Russian Language, Moscow
Disponibil în IBN: 23 martie 2023


Oral presentation, as a speech genre of communication, plays a more and more important role in a modern business setting. According to one survey, businesspeople give an average of 26 presentations a year. This thesis aims to explore the main factors of communication process in an oral presentation, basing on that we can make the classifications of presentations.

presentation, type, business communication, goal, process