Деятельностная сторона профессии инженер
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226 0
Căutarea după subiecte
similare conform CZU
378.02:378.8 (2)
Higher education. Universities. Academic study (2678)
SM ISO690:2012
БУЛДЫК, Георгий. Деятельностная сторона профессии инженер. In: Научно-образовательное пространство:: реалии и перспективы повышения качества образования, Ed. 2, 16 decembrie 2022, Comrat. Комрат: Tipografia "A & V Poligraf", 2022, Ediția 2, pp. 213-217. ISBN 978-9975-83-229-8.
EXPORT metadate:
Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Научно-образовательное пространство:
Ediția 2, 2022
Conferința "Научно-образовательное пространство:"
2, Comrat, Moldova, 16 decembrie 2022

Деятельностная сторона профессии инженер

CZU: 378.02:378.8

Pag. 213-217

Булдык Георгий
Белорусская государственная академия связи
Disponibil în IBN: 23 martie 2023


The tendency to complicate the professional activity of a modern specialist requires clarification of the activity side of the engineer profession. The existing understanding does not reveal the social, economic, legal, psychological and physiological parameters of engineering work, the totality of heterogeneous functions performed by a specialist. In the article, the engineering specialty is presented as a complex picture of the functions of an engineer. The emphasis is on professional activity.

engineer, engineering activity, Engineering Education, professional career.

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