Potenţialul productiv al verigilor de asolament în cadrul agriculturii ecologice
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631.582:631.147(478) (1)
Agricultural operations (1239)
Farm management and organization (497)
SM ISO690:2012
BUCUR, Gheorghe. Potenţialul productiv al verigilor de asolament în cadrul agriculturii ecologice . In: Ştiinţa Agricolă, 2012, nr. 1, pp. 3-6. ISSN 1857-0003.
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Dublin Core
Ştiinţa Agricolă
Numărul 1 / 2012 / ISSN 1857-0003 /ISSNe 2587-3202

Potenţialul productiv al verigilor de asolament în cadrul agriculturii ecologice
CZU: 631.582:631.147(478)

Pag. 3-6

Bucur Gheorghe
Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 16 decembrie 2013


The paper presents materials on field crops production potential in different links of ecological crop rotation depending on the effect and post-effect of plant debris administered in simple and double doses and of manure applied in quantities of 30 and 60 t/ha. It was found out the positive effect on the process of soil fertility reproduction, expressed by an increase in the productivity of crops such as: winter wheat, sunflower, soy beans and corn for grain.

Crop rotation links, Organic crop rotation.,

Debris, Ecological agriculture, Field Crops, Level of Productivity, Manure

DataCite XML Export

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<affiliation>Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova, Moldova, Republica</affiliation>
<title xml:lang='ro'>Potenţialul productiv al verigilor de asolament în cadrul agriculturii ecologice
<publisher>Instrumentul Bibliometric National</publisher>
<relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType='ISSN' relationType='IsPartOf'>1857-0003</relatedIdentifier>
<subject>Crop rotation links</subject>
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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'>The paper presents materials on field crops production potential in different links of ecological crop rotation depending on the effect and post-effect of plant debris administered in simple and double doses and of manure applied in quantities of 30 and 60 t/ha. It was found out the positive effect on the process of soil fertility
reproduction, expressed by an increase in the productivity of crops such as: winter wheat, sunflower, soy beans and corn for grain.</description>